He Does Push-Ups Over You

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All these sweaty work out photos of the boys has made me weak in my damn knees! (Michael satisfy me in his way of using snapchat instead, let's leave it that way).


With his eyebrows furrowed and sweat running down his forehead, you couldn't control the biting in your lip. His lips were parting while he panted slightly, once in a while giggling down at your reaction as you looked up at him stunned. "You haven't kissed me yet." You pouted, and he shook his head no in answer to focus. Though with the sad expression and pouty lips he couldn't hold in any longer. Lowering down effortlessly with ease he pressed his chest against yours and lips finding yours instantly for a short kiss. "Hey." You pouted again and watched as he raised himself up again with his muscles and grinned in tease.


Groans left his mouth every time he pushed down with all of his strength, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth formed into the small letter of o. A huge smile was embracing your warm face by his constant moving, watching as his muscled tensed. "Good view down there?" He commented when he noticed your stares and your gaze went from his biceps to his chocolate brown eyes. "Yeah it's pretty great I must admit." You mused and traced your finger down one of his prominent veins. "Can't compare to my view though." He grinned and moved down to place a sweaty kiss to your forehead. "Best motivation ever."


"How the hell did you convince me to do this." He groaned in question and squeezed his eyes shut by lowering himself down for the push-up. "Because it's romantic! And I've always wanted to try." You said with encouraging eyes, grinning lightly when he squeezed one eye open to look at you. "Only because it's you." He mumbled sweetly before moving down again, trying to reach the peak of at least ten push-ups. Even with the low number he was starting to sweat beneath his light red flannel, his muscles struggling to pull himself up again. Though it took him seconds to let go of everything and land on top of your chest with a loud laughter, already giving up.


Your lips parted when Ashton confidently placed one arm behind his shoulder, lowered down against your chest with the struggle of only one arm. "How do you do that?" You asked impressed, feeling his lips brush over yours teasingly every time he moved down. "Drumming has many benefits." He grinned and flipped his hair up to get his sweaty curls away from his face, his bare chest glistering with sweat. He placed the other hand back beside your face and leaned fully down, finally giving you a kiss on the lips instead of the constant teasing he had been going on for minutes now.

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