Being approved | Little Mix - They Just Don't Know You | Inspired

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Mainly this is a mixed up pref with AU’s and a song pref in it x


Punk AU

Daddy doesn’t think that you’ll be good enough for me

Mama says be careful ‘cause he’ll break your heart in three

They don’t walk in my shoes

They ain’t being kissed by you

“Something wrong?” Luke asked suddenly as you hadn’t said anything for a few minutes. Looking over at him you let out a sigh before grabbing his hand lacing your fingers together. “ I just don’t like hiding.” You mumbled looking away from his confused eyes, looking out in the horizon. The sky was clear with stars shining bright and the moon’s reflection shown in the lake. Everything was peaceful at the moment; the only sound was a few animals around the wood that covered surroundings of the lake.  “What’s bothering you?” He asked wanting to get further into the reason why you were unusual quiet. “It’s just.. my parents. It annoys me that I can’t be seen with you. Not being able to show you to my family. Have you home in my bed so I don’t get freaky nightmares when I sleep. I just don’t want this to be a secret anymore.” You said pointing between the two of you. Luke was about to say something but shut his mouth before anything came out as he looked at you with a thoughtful expression. “I don’t have any ideas.” He mumbled looking away from you. “If you knew from the beginning that I wouldn’t be approved in your family why did you even talk to me in the first place? Approached me? Sitting currently in the back of my truck with me while we send sneaky kisses to each other?” Lifting yourself up from lying down on his arm you looked at him before pulling him in for a passionate kiss. “Because you complete me.” You whisper admitted against his lips making him pull you in again by the waist. | Where have you been?” Your brother asked making your body jump, almost knocking your head up against one of the fridge shelves as you let out a groan. Shutting the fridge door you gave him a glare before placing the water bottle you grabbed and reached out for a glass. “I just went for a walk.” You mumbled as you poured the water in the class making your brother scoff. “At 2AM?” He asked refereeing to the watch that was hanging on the wall making you instantly groan. “ I just needed some fresh air okay?” You rolled your eyes as you grabbed the glass throwing the bottle in the sink. “You smell like cologne.. And smoke?” He questioned whilst crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned up against the doorframe watching you. “Okay maybe I’ve been meeting with some friends? No big deal.” You shrugged wanting to get away from him. “You know that if mom and dad finds out that you’ve been with Luke they’ll kill you right?” He asked making you stop in track looking at him with a nervous hurtful expression. “I know.” You nodded trying to sink the lump that was forming in your throat. “Busted.” He smiled as he walked past you giving you a wink as he walked up the stairs.


High School AU

Talk is cheap and rumors spread but they go with the wind

It’s not about she said he’s sick ‘cause I know where it ends

I know the real truth

And the real truth is you

As the bell ringed your whole body made out a shriek awaking you from your small slumber in the chemistry class you were in. Pushing out your chair you grabbed all of your stuff pressing it down your purse before swinging it over your shoulder ready to leave the classroom as fast as possible. “Where is it burning?” Amia asked as you almost sprinted down the hallway to your locker. “Damnit.” You mumbled under your breath before you turned around to look at her – two of your other friends standing there as well. “Just… Going to meet someone.. Mr. William actually.” You lied whilst nodding your head. “Why him?” Viola asked with a cocked eyebrow making you form a thinking pout in thought for a minute. “I just have to uhm… Ask him some questions about our English assignment. See ya!” You exclaimed before turning around not letting them give you any respond. As you opened the door to the backside of the school the not so warm autumn weather hit your bare arms making you lose the knot you had formed with the arms of your cardigan loosening it from your waist before placing it around your shoulders. “Hey gorgeous.” Calum whistled as you approached him whilst he was standing with his back up against one of the many trees around. “Shh.” You hissed before looking around making sure that nobody was there. Letting out a sigh of relief as the coast was clear you pulled him in by the shoulders giving him a plumb kiss on his lips. “Hey why so nervous?” He chuckled as you pulled away from him making you roll your eyes at his stupid question. “I fear that the girls followed me.” You said looking back in fear whilst Calum took your hand in his drawing lazy patterns along your wrist. “They won’t. I promise.” He smiled making you look back at him shrugging slightly. “You know that they have to find out at some point right?” He asked as you looked down at the ground making him give you a lingering kiss on the forehead. “Yea but… How would the react? A math genius together with a jock? No way.” You stated as Calum started to swing your hands back and forth. “What’s the worst thing that could happen? Your friends hitting me with their calculator?” He joked making you slap his chest. “It’s not funny!” You grumbled but ended up letting out a giggle as well. “I just.. don’t wanna start any drama you know? There’s no way you’ll get approved in my clique and vice versa.” “We’ll sort something out okay?” He reassured before giving a light kiss to your hand. “Promise?” You mumbled making him chuckle lightly. “I promise.” He smiled before letting go of your hand kneeling down to grab his bag before you both headed back to class with at least 3 meters away from each other. 

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