He Works At Disney World AU

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So this was actually requested by someone almost two years ago, and it has been in my draft unfinished until now! I loved the concept of this because it's really sweet and beware of the fact that I have never been to Disneyland or Disney World before so I have honestly no clue if these characters appears or not. 

Luke :

Sleeping in public places had never really been your deal, honestly. Falling asleep on something wooden while a million of people would walk past you didn't really sound that comfortable and to be honest you wished you hadn't fallen asleep. But you did. The drive to Disney World from the airport had been taking too long, and after drinking boots of energy drinks in the car you couldn't take a well-deserved nap during the road. That meant the second you walked into Disney World everything seemed so insurmountable, with so many people you could barely get past someone without mobbing. After walking for at least two hours with your family without any pit stops, your limps gave away. It was only supposed to be a small nap at the bench while the others would goof around not far away in the roller coasters and meet some Disney characters. But time somehow flew away from you and it wasn't until someone was stroking your arm that you woke up confused, seeing a dirty blond haired guy with a red hat caressing your bare arm. "Hey... I didn't even get the chance to kiss to you wake you up." He commented cheekily and you lifted an eyebrow confused and squeezed your eyes from the bright sun shining down at the two of you. "Oh I am awfully sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." "What time is it?" You asked confused and sat up at the bench. The place wasn't that crowded as it was when you fell asleep, now just barely a few person around along with him. "It's past 6pm. You've been sleeping for quite a while. Your family joked about having me to keep an eye on you until you woke up. Otherwise I would have to do it myself." You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at his attire. He didn't seem that familiar to you. "I see your observation. I'm Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty. Here to kiss the love of my life to get her out of her sleeping trace." You stretched your legs and stood up from the bench, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows but still smiled. He was cheesy, and totally knowing it even with blush on his cheeks. "So you don't know where my family went?" You asked and dusted your butt from the dirt on the bench. He shook his head no but suddenly wore a teasing smile on his face. "I could show you around if you want? I know this place better than anyone else, it's been my home for three years now." He asked and lifted his arm up. You bit your lip and stared between his arm and his face before smiling timidly and wrapped your arm around his. "Only if you'll tell me your actual name though." You pointed at him warning and he bowed down in politeness and took off his red hat. "My name is Luke." He grinned up at you by his act and you simply rolled his eyes but on the inside your stomach was bobbling up with butterflies by his kindness and dedication to his work.

Calum :

"Where's Stitch?" Maya practically yelled and dragged you around confused as she had seen Lilo and Agent Pleakley, but Stitch was nowhere in sight. The poor girl was thrilling with anticipation, it was the only reason her parents had paid you to drag her all the way to Disney World! Babysitting did have its benefits at some certain points like today. The sun was shining bright, the place was filled up but that didn't stop Maya from seeing her true childhood Disney idols. "Maya if you look towards the stage isn't that David? The surfer dating Nani?" Her green eyes widened the second she noticed the guy standing on the stage and she hurried towards the scene and took a seat along with the rest of the children sitting with their huge orbs staring at him. You kept yourself a little distant, crossed your arms and watched her with a smile as they watched David grab a flame stick, ready to perform a flame dance just like in the show. You chuckled lightly to yourself and watched as he confidently fired them up, casually swinging the stick around with ease. Everything seemed to go well, until the flame caught his shorts and your eyes widened in shock. "Oh my god." You exclaimed and hurried towards a bucket with water in panic, lifting it up with ease and jumped onto the stage. The guy had noticed his problem as well, jumping around with the flame while trying to stop the fire from burning his skin. Without hesitation you lifted the bucket over his head and drowned him down, the fire extinguished and he was breathing heavily. "Thank you so much." He blushed and ran a hand through his wet hair, drops of water falling down on the stage. You smiled happily at him, grateful of the fact that nothing major happened to him. At least the kids thought it was pure entertainment. "I'm new here and really not good at using these." He apologized and placed the flame stick back on the floor. "It's alright. David from Lilo and Stitch isn't that lucky neither so I guess you fit the role perfectly well." You grinned and placed the bucket down. He laughed loudly in agreement to your words and smiled softly at you. "I'm Calum." He reached his hand forward. "Y/N." You responded smiling, shaking his hand and watching in the corner of your eye Maya finally having light in her eyes, spotting Stitch a little bit further away from the stage. "So I should probably get back to my kid. I'm babysitting today." You pointed over your shoulder and Calum nodded his head understanding, but placed a hand to your shoulder the second you turned around. "Do you mind eating dinner with me tonight? You know, when I'm not wet and wearing some actual clothes." He said almost timid and awkwardly, and it made your cheeks blush a pinkish color. "That sounds nice." You smiled and fumbled with your phone, "Good because I know a great place where they make sushi down where Ariel stays." He joked which made you laugh before you reached out for him to write his number down in your phone list.

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