5 Seconds Of Summer ft Scott Mills - Hearts Upon Our Sleeve

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But imagine 5SOS as football players..


Don’t stop us now, we’ve started. ‘Cause there’s no one we can’t beat.

We wear the same shirts as our fathers, and our hearts upon our sleeve.

A blow from the referee’s whistle was the last sound heard before the crowd on the left side of the stadium stood up in a cheer, everyone waving with their black and white football T shirts, beers and stuff flying everywhere as the fans were in an indescribable joy. Luke’s team and the other team were equal, both points being 2-2. But as the 3 extra minutes were added, Luke had managed to run down to the other side of the field having 3 others from the opposite after him but he manage to tackle the ball towards the football goal before kicking it in, letting it fly by the goal keeper. Luke’s other teammates had swarmed him as he ran to the middle of the field, everyone having a massive smile on their faces, happy that the game was over and that they had won. When they were done with their massive group cuddle they went over to their opponents, shaking hands as the mature players they were. When they were done, the other team headed towards the changing rooms ready to head home towards their own stadium, Luke’s team being so lucky to play at home base. Standing up from your seat in the audience you smiled at your daughter next to you before lifting her from her seat, having her hanging by your hip as you walked down the stairs. “Dada.” She squeaked, waving with her arms as she saw Luke down at the field. “Yeah we’re going to say hello.” You smiled giving her a kiss on the cheek as you took one last step down making your feet now touch the fake grass. Placing her carefully down, she started to stumble over towards Luke, him standing in the middle of the field, drying of sweat from his forehead with his football T shirt, showing a part of his visible defined V line. As he let go of the shirt he saw his daughter sprinting towards him, her 2 ponytails swinging back and forth with the wind. He let out a fake surprised look as she approached him making him kneel down as she was almost running straight into his leg. “Hey princess.” He smiled as she was holding her small hands on both his cheeks making him give her a kiss on the tip of her nose. She let out a giggle as he did and continued as he picked her up. “Looks like you’ve been attacked by your favourite fan.” You joked as you came towards him, gesturing towards the jersey she was wearing, Luke’s last name and player number on the back. “I think I survived.” Luke joked as well as you came close enough for him to give you a peck on the lips. “Wanna play with daddy?” He asked her making her orbs go massive before he placed her down making her sprint over to the football standing a few meters away, you and Luke giggling slightly at her.


The joy, the heartache, the tension, the pain.

A striker shoots, there’s a roar from the crowd.

They think it’s all over, it is now.

Fiddling with your hands in your lap, your eyes switched position every third second as Calum was running around the field, not daring to stop, keeping on fighting towards the other band trying to get the ball. “Where the hell does that energy come from.” You mumbled more to yourself than your friend but she heard, having a smug look on her face. “He’s not that active in bed compared to the field?” She joked giving your shoulder a push with her own. Rolling your eyes at her you gave her a fake death glare before letting out a giggle. “How funny.” You said sarcastically removing your gaze from her, your eyes now scanning the field again. But as you finally noticed his small form from where you were seated another player from the other team tried to push the ball away from him, tackling Cal instead making him crash hard to the fake plastic grass. “What the fuck man, red card!” Your friend yelled standing up in her seat. Calum was still lying on the grass face down, a few of his teammates running over to his smaller state. Paramedics were ready to run into the field but Calum raised himself showing the others that he was fine. “Thank god.” You mumbled standing up in your seat as well as the other team gathered themselves around their goal as Calum’s team got the chance to have a free kick. It was all quiet as everyone at the stadium was standing up on front of their seats watching Calum as he placed the ball on the right position on the white line in front of the goal. He stood a few meters away before he took the inlet, letting his right foot hit the ball, swaying crooked over the other teammates before being really close to hit the post on the left side but it hit by, going straight into the goal. “Score!” Your friend yelled once again, everyone cheering as the teammates went back to their positions. But instead of going back to his centre midfield he went over to the line with benches, 2 paramedics running over to him. “What’s going on?” You asked confused already pushing through the crowd, seeing one of the reserve players run into the field. Running down the stairs and towards the bench where Cal was sitting at, an open wound on his knee was showing with yellow inflammation and blood. “Oh my god.” You mumbled sitting next to him carefully, his eyes squeezing in pain when the paramedic started to clean it. “I’m ready in any second.” He mumbled through pain, letting his head fall into your shoulder. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Both you and the paramedic said at the same time, making Calum sigh knowing that his time he wouldn’t get the chance to finish a game. “It’ll be okay at least you scored.” You smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek as he kept on having his head on your shoulder whilst the paramedic cleaned the rest of his knee.

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