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Hello my creamziclezz and welcome to another one-shot book. This was made because I have so many ships I want to write and don't exactly feel like making a different book for each of them. This will have a lot of different ships and requests are open.

This book will include:

Dr. Schneeplestien x Dr. Iplier

Google x Chase

Dr. Schneeplestien x Chase

Anti x Wilford

Dark x Wilford

Chase x Bing

The Host x Jameson Jackson

Anti x Dark x Wilford

Jameson Jackson x Dr. Schneeplstien

Google x Bing

Marvin x Jackie

Robbie x The Jims

Jameson Jackson x Anti

Illinois x Yancy

And many many more. This book might also have Danti and Dapperstache but only if requested in this book. I have one-shot books for those two ships so I might not write it for this. Might being a keyword.

I am not going to ship real people. So no septiplier or shipping any of the egos with any real people.

I will not do x readers.

Again requests are open and I can refuse requests. Smut requests are open as well.

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