Remember the Microwave Incident || Anti/Marvin

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Ship: Anti x Marvin

Request from Tumbler


"Stop moving and let me braid your hair."

Anti hissed and frowned. Marvin laughed and turned their head to look at him. "Are your claws in the way?"


Marvin laughed and shook their head. "Quit it!" Anti hissed

"Quit what darling glitch?" Marvin asked and tilted his head.

Anti hissed and moved their head back into place. His claws pressing against their head as a warning. "Stop moving and let me braid your hair."

Marvin laughed. "Why should I?"

"Because your hair is too long and keeps falling on your face."

"Yours is as well," Marvin said

"I actually put it up, you idiot," Anti muttered.

Marvin hummed. "Takes one to know one."

Anti scoffed and Marvin grinned. "May I remind you about the microwave incident," they asked.

"How was I supposed to know forks don't go in there." Anti cried.

"Because I've told you!"

Anti rolled his eyes. "You're the one who melted our plastic containers there."

"Well yes but-"

"I rest my case magician," Anti whispered and tugged at the halfway done braid.

"Ooh, you wanna fight a glitch?" Marvin asked.

Anti shook his head. "Not right now I have to braid your hair first."

Marvin laughed and shifted in their spot. "What did I say about moving?" Anti hissed.

"But I wanna kiss," Marvin whispered.

"You can have it if you chill out and let me do this okay?"

"Fine, fine," Marvin muttered.

Anti rolled his eyes and kissed their cheek. "Now hold still and let me do this."

Marvin blushed and nodded. "Will do," they whispered.

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