Tea And Bugs || DapperAnti

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Ship: DapperAnti

Day nineteen

This is once again an au. The Moth and Spider Au


JJ awkwardly sat on a toadstool and blinked at Anti. Anti gulped and looked away. "Thanks for coming," he whispered.

JJ nodded and sat at the table covered in teacups. 'I'll never pass up the opportunity to have tea.'

Anti laughed and smiled softly. "I'll pour you a cup," he whispered and set a cup in front of JJ. he picked up the teapot and poured JJ some. "It's peppermint. It was all I could find."

JJ brightened. 'I love peppermint. Thank you spider!'

Anti blushed. "My name is Anti."

JJ nodded. 'I'm JJ.'

"I know. Oh, that sounds bad I'm sorry I know off you. Bugs talk. I," Anti stopped when he saw JJ smiling at him.

'Yes, bugs love to gossip. Was it the time I broke a window bumping into it or when I almost died flying into a bug zapper?"

Anti smiled softly. "You did those things?"

'Yes, I like light. It's rather embarrassing.'

"I just heard you were one of the prettiest moths in town. The butterflies were jealous."

JJ blushed. 'I don't they wouldn't.' he shook his head. 'You're quite the charmer. Are you trying to make me feel nice before you eat me?'

Anti shook his head. "Like I said you're the prettiest moth in town. And you don't have much meat on your bones."

'Is that why you're trying to feed me? To fatten me up?'

Anti snorted. "Jay, I'm not going to eat you. I actually wanted to get to know you."

JJ took a sip of his tea and raised an eyebrow. 'I thought it was because you'll never let your prey go.'

"Well yes in a way. But I don't want you to be my prey. I want to be with you but not in that way."

JJ froze. 'What?'

"Listen JJ," Anti said, standing up to his full height. His spider half shook and twitched nervously. "You are a worthy adversary. You're smart and you're the first person who actually talked to me. I, I like you."

JJ's face flushed and he looked away. 'You're the first person to listen to me.'

Anti grinned. "Will you be my moth?"

'Your moth?'

"Yeah I," he trailed off when JJ flew off the toadstool and hovered right over his face.

'I would love to spider.'

Anti grinned and reached for JJ to touch him.JJ laughed and pressed Anti's hand against the tuft around his neck. Anti shivered. "You're really soft."

'Well, you are a charmer.'

Anti nodded and pulled JJ closer. JJ jumped back and Anti froze. 'Let's take it slow ok?'

"Of course," Anti said and nodded. "Whatever makes you comfortable."

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