Grumpy Glitches need Cuddles || AntiDapper

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Ship: Anti x Jameson

Request from tumbler


The door slammed and Jackie and Marvin jumped. "Don't slam the door," Jackie chided not looking away from the tv screen.

"Don't tell me what to do," Anti muttered.

"Anti are you ok?" Marvin asked.

"Just dandy!" Anti yelled.

Marvin grabbed the remote and paused the tv. "Anti do you want to talk?"

"No," Anti muttered and stormed down the hallway.

"Vas zhat you slamming doors Anti?"

Anti hissed and turned to Henrik. "I'm not in the mood Henrik."

"Und I'm not in zhe mood to have my door slammed." Henrik said, stirring his coffee. "Now vhat's vong Anti?"

"Would you-"

He stopped when arms wrapped around his waist. Henrik chuckled and took a sip of his coffee. "Hello JJ."

JJ peeked out from behind Anti. He smiled and waved before pulling Anti away. "Let me go you bastard!" Anti hissed trying to slap JJ away, making sure not to use his claws.

JJ just rolled his eyes and dragged Anti into their room. Anti managed to wiggle out of JJs grip. "I'm not in the-"

He froze. JJ sat on their shared bed and held out his arms. Anti muttered something under his breath but walked into his arms and let himself be hugged. JJ ran his fingers through the glitches hair. "Dark was being mean," Anti muttered.

JJ nodded in sympathy and pulled Anti closer. "And you weren't there and everyone yelled at me." Anti sighed and curled up. "Thank you."

'You are very welcome my virus,' JJ said, his voice projected into Antis mind.

"Don't call me that."

'Why not?'

"It makes me feel weird."

'What kind of weird?'

"Fuzzy and warm," Anti whispered.

JJ smiled softly. 'I love you too.'

Anti hissed and pushed JJ back backwards. JJ just laughed and stared at the glitch. "Stop being cute."

'You first.'

Anti sighed and lay on JJ's chest. "I love you more."

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