You Can Stay || DarkPuppet

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Ship: DarkPuppet

Request from Tumbler.

I'm actually curious if people on Wattpad like this ship.



JJ jumped and scrambled backward, hands gripping cushions instead of the cold floor he was used to. "Oh good, you're awake. Well, I'm afraid you are dieing," a mask and lab coat-wearing man said.

JJ's hand flew to cover his mouth. Another man walked in and pushed the men who seemed to be a doctor away. "Quit it you're scaring him," he muttered.

JJ's eyes widened and he gasped, staring at the man.

"Hello, I'm Dark."

JJ nodded quickly. 'I know who you are.'

Dark blinked and signed back. 'Are you deaf? How do you know me?'

'I'm mute. I can not speak. Anti,' he drew a line across his throat and closed his eyes as if it scared him, 'told me about you. When he was upset.'

Dark laughed. "My reputation precedes me."

'How do you know sign?'

"A hobby. A bit of a one-up on my creator." he shook his head. "I do apologize if my associate scared you. I do need to ask you some questions. You were in my enemies lair so forgive me if I seem untrusting."

JJ nodded. "Oh, I never asked your name."

'Jameson. Jameson Jackson. Most people call me JJ.'

Dark nodded. "Jameson," he whispered, testing the name on his tongue.

JJ nodded and slowly relaxed. "What is your relation to Anti?"

'I'm his puppet.'

"Puppet?" Dark asked.

'Yes. he enjoys toying with me. I,' he stopped signing and shook his head. 'Sorry.'

Dark shook his head. "It's fine. If I may, why were you hanging from the ceiling."

'He doesn't like me being awake. If he's not controlling me or around me, he keeps me in storage. Did you save me?'

"Save you?" Dark asked. "I, yes I suppose I did."

JJ smiled and clapped his hands. 'Then is there anything I can help you with?'

"What? No."

'Please there must be something you-'

Dark grabbed his hands and growled. "I don't need help. Just rest."

JJ nodded. Dark sighed and let go of him. "Dr. Iplier do not let him out of the room. He's still a threat if he knows Anti. Might be lying," he whispered to the doctor.

Dr. Iplier nodded. "Dr. Iplier will take care of you," Dark said.

JJ nodded unaware of the words Dark had spoken before. He smiled softly at Dark. Dark's eyes widened and he turned away. "I'll be back later," he called. The moment he turned into the hallway he grabbed his chest. "What the fuck is wrong with me?"

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