Be My Fake Date To My Cousins Wedding || Bing/The Host

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Request from Tumbler.

Ship: Bing/Host


Bing hissed as he slammed into the door. The Host tilted his head up, trying to pinpoint the sound. "The Host asks if Bing is okay."

Bing shook his head and grinned. "Bing is great! I actually need a favour?"

The Host nodded. "What is it, my friend?"

Bing blushed. "Well uh, so you know how that crazy scientist who made me is technically my dad?"


"Well, his son who is technically my cousin is getting married. And well since Google is bringing a date. And he's the special one and," he trailed off when The Host grabbed his hand.

"You're going to give yourself a panic attack. Continue. This time don't insult yourself."

Bing gulped and nodded. He glitched slightly and took a deep breath. "I need a date. I don't want them to think I'll be alone for the rest of my life. You're my best friend so I was wondering if you would be my platonic fake love interest."

The Host laughed. "That is agreeable terms. Should I wear a suit?"

"Um yeah, it's sort of business casual. Your overcoat would be good."

The Host nodded. "Would you enjoy seeing me in the coat?"

Bing blushed. "I um well yes I would for the wedding."

The Host laughed. "When is it?"

"This Friday I'll pick you up at ten."

The Host nodded. "Sounds like a good bumblebee."

Bing nodded and blushed. "See you then."


The Host smiled at Bing. Their arms were linked as Bing talked to Chase. Google walked over and raised an eyebrow. "You finally found a date brother of mine?"

Bing blushed and nodded. "Yeah. Hosty's great."

Google turned to stare at The Host. "I should lay some ground rules."

Chase snorted. "Googs leave him alone. Bing didn't give me shit for you dating me."

"That's a lie," Bing said.

"What?" Google asked

"I was trying to keep that a secret," Chase whispered.

Google's eyes flashed blue. "You threatened him?" He hissed.

Bing blinked quickly, his own eyes flashing orange. "No! I just told him to treat you right."

"Then no one will give me crap about talking to the host. Alone."

The Host chuckled. "I will not hurt Bing. I swear it in my life I will treat him with the utmost respect."

Bing gaped at him and Google nodded. "Then you have my permission to date him."

The Host smiled and leaned down to kiss Bing on the cheek. Bing squeaked and blushed. Chase laughed and rolled his eyes

"My sons!"

Bing and Google turned to see a wild-haired man walking towards them. "Oh, my glorious creations."

Google dipped his head and Bing smiled nervously. "Are these your dates?"

Google nodded. "This is my boyfriend, Chase."

Chase waved. "Nice to meet you."

Bing gulped. "And this is my boyfriend, Host."

The Host smiled. "It's a pleasure."

The mad scientist looking man grinned and turned away. "Linda, I told you I gave them emotions! They're just as good as Henry! They've got boyfriends if you would come and meet them!" he shouted.

Google rolled his eyes and Bing flinched. "Sorry about that, boys. Your mother isn't talking to me at the moment."

Google nodded. "You should go talk to Henry, it is his big day. Besides me and Chase were just about to go talk to mother."

Bing's father nodded. "See you, late boys! Congratulations!"

Google sighed and pulled Chase away. "Don't mind me prying but what was that about?" The Host asked.

"My mother doesn't really like us. Father decided to ignore his duties as a parent while he was making me and Google."

The Host frowned. "I'm sorry."

Bing stared at the bloody bandage wrapped around The Host's eyes. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he paused, "bumblebee." The Host whispered.

Bing blushed and looked away. "Hosty," he whispered back.

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