Anything For My Magician || Henrik/Marvin

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Request from Tumbler.

Ship: WitchDocter. (Henrik x Marvin)


Henrik glared at the paperwork that sat in front of him. "Warum muss ich das tun?" he muttered.

He heard the door open across the house and stretched. That meant his boyfriend was home. He could do with a break. Henrik yawned and walked out of his office. "Marv, how was work?" he called.


"Are you in the kitchen?"

There was a pause before Marvin replied. "Yes."

Henrik turned the corner and smiled at Marvin. Marvin smiled nervously at him as he stood in front of a box. "What's in the box?"

Marvin laughed nervously. "I don't know."

Henrik's eyes narrowed. "How do you not know?"

Marvin sighed. "Please don't be mad, but I found a box of stray kittens and a puppy who thinks it's a cat and now they're living with us."

Henrik blinked. "What!"

A bark came from the box and Henrik walked over to Marvin. "Well, I've gotten attached."

Henrik peered into the box to see three cats and a dog curled around each other. "Marvin!"

Marvin picked a grey tabby cat out of the box. "This is Pfeffer."

"Did you name him Pepper?"

"Yes but in german!" Marvin said, placing Pfeffer back into the box.

"Marvin," Henrik muttered as he rubbed his temple.

Marvin pulled out a black cat. "This is Schönheit!"

Henrik laughed. "Beauty?"

Marvin nodded and put her back in the box. He pulled a brown tabby cat out of the. "This is Weide."

Henrik took her from Marvins arms. "Hello, Willow. You're beautiful."

"Henrik, her name is Weide."

Henrik nodded and pet her. Marvin pulled what seemed to be a wolfhound puppy out of the box. The two cats inside meowed in protest. "This boy is Katze Hund."

Henrik laughed. "Cat dog?"

"Yeah, he thinks he's a cat. Isn't he a good boy?"

Henrik chuckled and nodded. "We will have to get stuff for them."

Marvin gasped. "You're letting me keep them?"

"I am not going to give up Weide any time soon."

Marvin grinned and pressed a kiss to Henrik's cheek. "Thank you."

"Anything for you my magician."

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