A Special Gift|| Dark/Wilford/JJ

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This is part of the sacrifice that a friend and I ware making on Tumbler.

Ship: Dark/Wilford/JJ


First came the idea and the first piece. And offering an apology for their actions. Anti thought of it first, pulling out a rib from his body. It hurt but it was worth it. He knew Dark would never love him again but having something of his would be good enough. He held it out to the other god. Jackie sneered and crossed his arms. He didn't feel guilty but knew Wilford and Dark would kill him if he didn't apologize. The bones had been made.

Second was the organs from the fallen leader. He lay with a spear through his heart. Something that would have to be added later. They placed them with much anger. Puzzles weren't their forte and neither knew much about humans except how to kill them. Finally, they finished with only two spots laying empty. The heart and the vocal cords. Something Anti had broken during his anger. Who needed a voice to serve anyways?

Third was the problem of the heart. The other human had been killed by a shock to the heart. That one had been Antis fault. Then it came. Another idea. Something to make this gift extra special. He pulled a star from the heavens and fashioned it into a heart. The veins were pulled from the light and they were filled with wine Anti had turned to blood.

Fourth was the skin. Anti carefully pulled it from the other leader. It was pale as snow but had freckles trailing along the body. Anti saw why Dark favoured this one. He had constellations on his skin. Just like Anti had. Anti shook his head to banish the thought. The gift was halfway done.

Fifth was the hair. This one stumped Anti. Jackie had rolled his eyes and plucked one from Anti's head. He combined it with ash and cast a spell, forming it into a neat cut on the gift's head. He thought for a moment and added a moustache. ANti clapped and they turned to another part of him.

Sixth were the eyes. Anti pulled colour from the sea and made one. Jackie found a dark blue gem and fashioned it into another. They didn't match but they were good enough for them.

Seventh came the clothes. Jackie reluctantly pulled his cloak off and fashioned it into a tunic and pants.

Eighth was life that neither Jackie nor Anti could give. So they presented the gift to Wilford and Dark. There he was given life.

He blinked. Who was he? Where was he? Why was he? These questions didn't' come out of his mouth though. He blinked again and stared at two people who in turn stared at him. This was his reason. He was made to serve them.

One of them squealed. "Oh my gosh, he's so cute!" He shouted, grabbing the gift and twirling it around.

The gift let himself be spun, trying not to appear too afraid. "Wilford, you're scaring him." the other whispered.

Wilford as he was apparently named, set him on the ground and smiled. He turned to two other people that the gift didn't notice before. It didn't matter anyway they weren't important. They weren't his purpose. "What's his name?" Wilford asked.

One shrugged. "We didn't name him."

Wilford thought for a moment. "I like JJ!"

The other walked up and kissed Wilford cheek. "What does that stand for?"

"Dark it doesn't need to stand for anything."

That was his name then. Dark. Dark thought for a moment. "Jameson Jackson."

Wilford nodded. "That's a good one. Hello JJ!"

The newly named JJ smiled and stared at him. The other coughed. "Uh, he doesn't speak."

Dark raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. "That's just fine. Our argument is resolved, thank you."

The two nodded and turned away. Dark turned back to JJ. He gently touched his cheek and smiled. "What a lovely gift."

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