I Know You Don't Want Kids So I Got Cats || William/Celine

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Ship: William/Celine


Celine cringed when the door was slammed. "I asked you-"

"I'm sorry Celine. I shouldn't have slammed the door," William called.

Celine smiled and turned to see if Wilford was in the room. He wasn't.

"Celine dear, I need you to come and see this."

Celine frowned and got off the couch. "Where are you?"

"The kitchen!" William called.

Celine nodded and walked into the kitchen. "So I know you don't want to have a kid but how do you feel about being a mother?"

"William I," she trailed off when William turned around with a cat.

"I've named him Leroy."

Celine gasped. "He's the cutest!" she gushed.

Leroy was a brown tabby kitten who yawned thirdly and curled closer to William. "I found them in an alley. They were so cold and sad."


William nodded and gestured to the box. Celine peered in to see a black cat and a young pit bull. "Aww poor babies."

"I haven't named the other two."

Celine thought for a moment. "Salam for the black cat and Sagittarius for the pitbull. Speaking of the pitbull, why is he in the box?"

"Oh he thinks he's a cat," William said and placed Leroy back into the box. Sagittarius yipped and rubbed the cat with its cheek.

"That's adorable."

William nodded. "Celine?"


"Can we keep them?"

Celine nodded and smiled softly. "Of course my dear."

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