Boney Seaweed||Madmare

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Ship: Madmare

Relized I've never posted this here.

This is a request from Tumbler I belive.


"Will you hold still?" Mad hissed.

Mare grinned and flicked his tail purple tail at him. "Is my professor upset?" he teased.

Mad blushed and shook his head. "Not a professor. Not yet."

Mare smiled. "Still a professor to me. A noble researcher."

"I'd be a better researcher if you held still." Mad hissed, pinning the siren's tail down.

Mare squeaked and blushed as Mad ran his hand over his scales. "It's like a fish but your scales are softer. Like really soft. I thought I would cut myself on them."

Mare laughed softly. "Yeah, they're rougher around the middle of my tail. The waist and end parts are soft."

Mad nodded and touched the very end. "Kind of like boney seaweed."

"That's it," Mare mumbled and pulled his tail away.

Mad laughed. "I'm just making an assessment."

"I'm not your science project," Mare said with a huff.

"You were so willing two minutes ago." Mad pointed out.

"That was before you called my tail boney seaweed," Mare said and splashed Mad with water.

"Mare I'm sor-"

He was cut off when Mare went under the water. "Mare!"

He stood up and looked around rapidly. "Mare I'm sorry please don't be-"


Mad stumbled and fell. Mare gasped and caught him quickly. "Mad, are you okay?"

"You scared me! I thought I did something wrong." Mad whispered.

Mare shook his head. "You have never done anything wrong in your life." Mare kissed his cheek gently. "I got this," he whispered and handed Mad a fishbone and seaweed.

"Boney seaweed?"

"Yes feel that and then tell me you were wrong," Mare said with a smile.

Mad ran his hand over the object. "Mare this feels exactly like your tail."

Mare gasped. "How dare you."

Mad frowned. "Don't leave."

"No I won't but you have lost your tail touching privileges."

Mad nodded and kissed him gently. "Ok. I'm just glad I still have you."

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