City Boy || Anti/Actor

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Request From Tumbler

Ship: Anti/Actor


Anti sighed as Actor walked towards him. "So how's life in the city working for you?" he asked.

Actor smiled. "It's been going great. People are so nice around here!" he gushed.

Anti snorted. "You sure? This place?" he asked, waving his arms around. Almost on cue sirens started and a gun went off.

Actor nodded. "I've made a new friend as well. His name is Ricky RIch."

Anti choked on his spit and gasped for breath. Actor jumped and ran over to him. "Are you okay?"

"Tha mafia boss?" Anti whispered.

"What?" Actor asked.

Anti laughed and shook his head. "You are something Actor. Cute for a farm boy."

Actor rolled his eyes. "Don't flirt with me city boy," he muttered.

Anti grinned and grabbed Actor by the arms, pulling him closer. "Oh come on baby I can show you a good time," he whispered and dipped the shorter man.

"Back off I ain't no fool. I would never mess around with a boy like you," Actor said pushing Anti off and making a fainting motion.

Anti leaned closer. "Come on babe. I won't bite. Less you want me too."

Actor snorted. "You are a great acting partner."

"As are you toots," Anti said and did finger guns.

Actor rolled his eyes. "So you really think you can make it big in the city," Anti asked.

"Yeah, I have lots of friends."

Anti nodded and smiled. "I hope I'm included in that. I'll stab nayone for you."

Actor nodded. "Thanks for that."

Anti nodded and ruffled Actors hair. "You're a nice kid I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

"I'm literally older than you." Actor muttered.

"Shorter though," Anti said and giggled.

"You take it back."


Actor rolled his eyes. "I don't have time for your games. I have an audition today."

"Break a leg hot stuff."

Actor chuckled. "You know when I make it big I'll consider making you my bodyguard."

"Thanks, songbird."

"You're very welcome my vulture."

Anti snorted. "Aw, you're the best."

Actor grinned and straightened his tie. "I've been told."

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