An Enemy of my Enemy is my Love Interest || Anti/Actor

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Ship: Actor x Anti

Request from tumbler.


"So you're an enemy of the great Darkiplier?"

Anti whipped around and glared at a man wearing a red robe. "Who the hell are you?" he asked, a knife appearing in his hand.

"You can call me Marc. With a c. I have many names. I also go by Actor. Or sweetheart I don't mind," Marc said with a shrug.

Anti wrinkled his nose and looked the man up and down. "You spying for Dark?"

"No, no far from it," Marc said, shaking his head. "I wanted to meet a fellow enemy."

Anti raised an eyebrow. "You? Really?" he asked with a laugh, the knife disappearing from his hand.

"Yes, you could probably say I'm his arch-nemesis."

"Oi, bub roles already filled by yours truly."

Marc laughed and took a step forward. "Can't we share the role, my dear? Besides we're of the same mind."

Anti took a step back, glitching slightly. "I have a proposal," Marc said and flashed a smile.

Antis's lip drew back in a snarl. "Come on let's work together. Dethrone that prick. I've left him alone for far too long."

"Yeh need to back up a bit before I agree to anything."

"Aw, your accents adorable."

"Don't call me that." Anti hissed.

Marc cooed and placed his hands on Anti's cheeks. "So cute."

Anti blushed and pushed him away. "If we're gonna work together we're making some rules. Don't touch me, don't flirt with me and I don't work if I don't want to."

"Noted. Why don't you come back to my place?"

"I said no flirting," Anti said and rolled his eyes.

"If we want to take down that stuck up prick then we need to talk. Preferably at my house. Not in an alleyway."

Anti nodded. "Do you have alcohol?"

"Quite a bit. Is that all I need to enchant you into my home?"

"Not enchanting we're planning ain't we?" Anti said with grinned.

"Yes of course. Don't mind me. I'm a charmer at heart."

Anti rolled his eyes. "I'm only in this to piss Dark off."

"It isn't my charms."

"Anything but that." Anti hissed and held out his hand. "Come on then take me to your house."

The actor smiled and took the glitches hand. "Well they lest fuck some shit up," he whispered as he and Anti disappeared into red smoke.

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