Movie Night With The Unexpected||Yellow Google/Chase/Yandere/Bim

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Ship: Yellow Google/Chase/Yandere/Bim

This is a request from Tumbler

Ok so this is a crack ship...

But I love crack ships!! Honestly spin a wheel and give me a ship to write. I love a good challandge.


Yandere yawned and smiled at Chase. "This is such a stupid movie," they whispered.

Chase nodded. "But it's a good movie for date night."

Yandere turned to Bim who had his eyes fixed on the screen. "Someone likes this movie," they said and snorted.

Chase giggled as he watched Bim. "It's kind of cute."

"Is Sunny asleep?"

Chase turned to look at the Yellow android who had shut down during the middle of the movie. "Well-"

"Shh." Bim hissed.

Yandere snorted and grabbed Bim, pulling him in for a hug. Bim squeaked and struggled against Yandere's arms. "How dare you unhand me!" Bim shouted.

"Nah," Yandere whispered, pulling Bim into their lap. Bim huffed and turned to Chase, giving him puppy eyes.

Chase sighed. "You're adorable," he whispered and tapped Bim's nose.

Bim growled. "I will eat you."

"You do it on a regular basis."

Bim blushed and Yandere giggled. "I love you two."

"What about me?"

"Sunny!" Chase cheered.

Sunny, as he was nicknamed, smiled. "I do apologize, it seems I needed an update."

Yandere nodded. "It's fine love," Bim whispered and turned back to the screen.

Chase leaned against the android. "Next time please make sure your updates aren't going to interrupt movie night."

Sunny nodded. "I apologize for that. Usually Blue tells me so I didn't check."

"Blue just wants to ruin our date," Chase muttered.

Sunny laughed. "No, he doesn't. He's proud I found partners."

Chase blinked and smiled. "I'm glad."

Sunny rolled his eyes. "Red on the other hand,"

"We aren't talking about him on date night," Chase said, pointing at Sunny.

Sunny blinked. "Is that a rule Chase?"

"Yeah," Chase said.

Sunny nodded and wrapped his arm around Chase's shoulder.

A cannibal, a murderer, an android, and a divorced dad cuddled as they watched the movie. Simply enjoying date night.

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