Part Of The Family || Anti/JJ/Henrik/Chase

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Ship: Anti/JJ/Henrik/Chase

Day Four

Some of these are posted in other books. Like my Danti and Dapperstache ones.


"Aww," Anti cooed as Moriarty curled around his waist and neck. "He's so cute!"

Chase sighed dreamily. "Yeah," he whispered.

Henrik rolled his eyes and smacked Chase on the back of the head. "Stop it," he whispered.

"Sorry," Chase whispered back, rubbing his neck.

Henrik rolled his eyes and turned to stare at Anti again. "You're doing it to." Chase hissed.

"Shut up," Henrik whispered with a blush.

Anti turned to the two and smiled. "He's great. I'm glad he likes me."

Moriarty flicked out his tongue and bumped his head against Anti's cheek. Anti cooed at the snake who wiggled happily at the attention. Chase laughed and hopped off the couch. "He's a brat he just likes the attention," he said and scratched the snakes back.

Anti laughed. "Yeah sounds like me. Glad we along Mori."

Moriarty hissed and moved to rest on Chase's shoulder as well as Antis. Moriarty slowly pulled them together. Anti laughed nervously as Chase stared at him. Henrik jumped off the couch. "Mori quite it," he said.

Chase blushed and removed the snake from his neck. Anti looked away from them and Henrik and Chase shared a look. "Um, do you think JJ has food ready?" Chase asked.

Anti nodded and looked away. "Yeah, I'll put Mori back."

Chase and Henrik walked into the kitchen and took a deep breath. "Fuck," Chase whispered.

JJ turned to them and tilted his head. 'What happened?' he asked, setting the food on the table.

"Moriarty tried to get me and Anti together."

JJ raised an eyebrow and put his hand on his hip. 'Save some for the rest of us ok?'

Henrik snorted and Chase shook his head. "You-"

Anti walked into the kitchen and froze. "Was I interrupting something?"

JJ shook his head and walked over to him. He took Antis hand and smiled softly. 'Never you're always welcome here. We were just talking about Moriarty. How was he?'

Anti blushed and pulled his hand away. "Yeah," Anti whispered and rubbed the back of his head. "He was great. You guys are so lucky to have him." Anti said as he made his way to the table.

"Feel free to come over any time," Chase said. "Moriarty likes you."

Anti blushed. "Really?"

Henrik nodded and smiled at Anti. "We love your company."

Anti nodded and sat down next to JJ. "Thanks."

JJ nodded and looked at the chicken pot pie he had made. 'I hope you like dinner.'

"We love anything you cook," Chase whispered.

JJ smiled and shook his head. "It's true you're a great cook," Henrik added.

Anti nodded quickly. "The lunch you made me was my favourite thing ever I'm sure this is good."

JJ blushed and nodded, staring at the floor. Henrik laughed and winked at Anti. Anti looked away and smiled. Was it strange to feel at home here?

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