City Cars Don't Obey Traffic Lights || MadMare

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Ship: MadMare


Mad gasped as someone pulled him backwards. He stared at the car that just whizzed past him. "What the," he whispered.

"Be careful. Cars don't obey the traffic lights around here."

Mad turned to the man who had grabbed him. "My name is Mare."

Mad gulped. "I'm Mad," he said and waved.

Mare laughed. "I know. You've been the talk of the town for the last week. Made friends with everyone in the city."

Mad smiled. "They've all just been so nice to me. Just not that car."

They both smiled and laughed at each other. "So what are you doing here?"

"Well, my brother has taken a liking to you. Apparently, you're really smart and fixed one of his cameras."

"You're Phantom's brother?"

"Yep. I see why he likes you. You're really nice. He said you needed some help navigating the city."

Mad nodded. "I'm still pretty new. I'm not used to everything being so tall. And loud. There was a willow tree in my backyard. It was the tallest thing I saw before all of this," Mad said and smiled.

Mare blinked. "Where are you going?"

"Well, I was going to get lunch."

Mare hummed. "I'll treat you to lunch. What do you want?"

Mad shook his head. "Oh no, I couldn't."

"Come on it's fine."

"We just met."

"Either you tell me what you want or I'm getting you the most expensive steak in town."

Mad frowned. "Ok, there's this little pastry shop I was going to. This nice old woman runs it. If we could go there."

Mare nodded. "I know of it. The lady helps me sometimes. She's a wonderful woman. Let's go," he said and held out his hand.

Mad blushed and took it. "Thank you."

"Not a problem. It's a feat in itself to make friends with a powerful mafia boss such as my brother."

"What!?" Mad yelled.

Mare laughed as Mad gawked at him. "Come on, we've got cookies to eat."

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