Under the Bed || Marvelsepticeye

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Ship: Marvelsepticeye

Request from Tumbler.


"Hey, Marv?" Jackie asked, kneeling down next to his bed. He reached under the bed but was smacked away.

Something underneath the bed hissed at him. Jackie chuckled and shook his head. "Is the kitty upset?"

The thing hissed again in reply. Jackie huffed and crawled under the bed. A dark shape tried to scoot away but Jackie stopped it. "Marv, what's wrong?"

Marvin sniffed. "I messed up a potion," he whispered.

Jackie hummed and pulled Marvin into a hug. "What did it do?"

"It's embarrassing."

Jackie shook his head. "What were you trying to do?"

"Make a potion that could give you super hearing."

"What did it do to you?" Jackie asked, slowly running a hand through his hair. "It can't be-"

"Jackie?" Marvin asked.

Jackie blinked and crawled out from under the bed, pulling Marvin with him. "You have cat ears."

Marvin nodded. "I was using cat fur to help."

Jackie snorted. "That's fucking hilarious."

Marvin scrunched his nose. "You goober."

Jackie nodded and moved to sit on top of the bed. "I'm the goober? You're the one that gave himself cat ears."

"And you're the one who comes home every other night banged up cause you decided to fight someone ten times your size."

"And you're in love with me." Jackie pointed out.

Marvin sighed. "I am."

"I love you too," Jackie whispered.

Marvin got off the floor and sat next to Jackie. His cat ears twitched and he laughed. "I can't believe I'm so upset about this."

"Hey, I know how you get when your potions go wrong. They take a lot of material and work. When they turn out wrong you get upset."

Marvin sighed and leaned against the hero. "So do you want cuddles?"

"I always want to cuddle Jackie," Marvin whispered.

Jackie grinned and pulled Marvin on top of him. "Are you still upset?"

"I wasted five hours on this and it gave me cat ears of course I'm still upset."

Jackie hummed and scratched behind one of the ears. "How dare you!" Marvin cried and pushed Jackie away.

Jackie laughed and Marvin curled back on top of him. "Do it again."

Jackie smiled and scratched him behind the cat ear again. "You're cute."

"I am."

Jackie laughed again and pulled Marvin closer.

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