Um I Got Hurt || Schneeplebro

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Request from sc402537. It's a really cute request thank you.

Ship: Schneeplebro (Chase x Henrik)


Chase took a deep breath and pushed off the ground. The skateboard started rolling and he grinned as he started speeding up. He could hop the ramp this time. This was it. He-

He hit the ramp and the skateboard flew out from underneath him. He landed on the ground with a thud and sickening crunch. He bit his cheek and hissed. He blinked as the world spun and the pain still roared in his ears. "Fuck," he whispered.

He moved to stand up but was hit with more searing pain. He lay on the ground and stared up at the sky. "Help!" He yelled. "I'm on the ground and I can't get up! I'm not joking this times I actually can't get up and I need help!"

A window broke and he turned to see Jackie running towards him. "Did you break the window?" Chase asked.

Jackie nodded. "Are you hurt?"

"Yes, why didn't you just use the door! Jackie you can't keep breaking the window!"

Jackie shook his head and knelt down next to him. "What happened?"

"I was trying to do a trick," he whispered and gestured to the ramp propped up onto a brick.

"You idiot. Henrik isn't going to like this."

Chase laughed as he thought about the look on Henrik's face when he saw him. "No he isn't but he still needs to help me."

Jackie rolled his eyes and picked Chase up.


"Hey, Henrik!"

Henrik looked up from his desk and gasped. Jackie was carrying Chase in who was bleeding from some small scratches and was bruised in multiple places. "What happened?!"

"I was doing a trick. I messed up and now I can't walk."

Henrik frowned and gestured for Jackie to set Chase down onto the bed. "I leave you for two seconds!" Henrik shouted.

Chase shrugged and winced. "What can I say? I'm a magnet for trouble."

"Jackie, what did you see?"

Jackie shrugged. "I just heard him screaming for help. He's got some scratches on his arms and legs but I think the ankle was the worst bit."

Henrik nodded. "Thank you, you are free to go."

"Get better soon," Jackie called and walked out of the room.

Henrik gently pressed on Chase's right ankle. Chase hissed and shut his eyes lightly. "You've probably broken it. I can bandage you up temporarily but we'll need to get you to the hospital. I don't have an x-ray machine here."

"I thought you were a doctor," Chase whispered.

"This is my home office Chase. I don't have big machinery here! You need to stop getting hurt so much," Henrik scolded.

"I love you," Chase whispered as Henrik pulled out the bandages.

Henrik sighed. "I love you too mien fool."

Chase laughed. Henrik finished bandaging his boyfriend and sighed. "Try and be careful next time please," Henrik whispered and kissed Chase's forehead.

Chase smiled softly and lay back down. "Take me to the hospital tomorrow?"

"Yes, we need to make sure you didn't break anything," Henrik said and crossed his arms.

"Oh, I love you."

Henrik rolled his eyes. "You clumsy mess."

"But I'm your mess," Chase said and yawned.

"Yes, yes you are mine liebe," Henrik whispered.

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