Avenge|| Dapperdantistache

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Ship: Dark/Anti/JJ/Wilford

Day Two of the phlietober thing.


It had been a week.

A week since the city's worst villains had been put behind bars. Jameson sat on a roof and looked at the city. It was calm now. The people rejoiced.

Jameson had not. He sat now on the roof glaring at the city which had taken his lovers from him. Jackieboy had been successful in trapping them. It wasn't fair. They hadn't been planning anything. They had been tricked. They thought Jameson was hurt. He wasn't. So they went trying to save him. On their anniversary no less.

Jameson blinked when he realized he was crying. He pulled himself up and sighed. It had been a while but it seemed the city was going to need another villain. One that hadn't been seen for a while.


Jackie panted and stepped back. Laughter rang throughout the room. All the mirrors had shattered and some part of them was stuck in Jackie's skin, cutting through his suit and causing him to bleed out. "Who the hell are you?"

"You don't remember me?"

Jackie turned and stumbled back. A man dressed in a black and blue suit walked towards him. "It's you," Jackie whispered.

"Did you miss me?"

"The gentleman," Jackie whispered.

Jameson giggled. His voice came from the shattered mirrors. "You do."

Jackie gasped. "But you disappeared!"

"I never left." Jameson cooed.

Jackie yelped when he tripped over something. Jameson snapped his fingers and watched Jackie struggle against his own muscles on the ground. "How did you-"

Jameson laughed. "Oh, I retired because of an accident, yes."

"You don't have powers."

"I do now. No more smoke bombs. Jackie dear, I just needed you out of my way," he hissed.

"What?" Jackie whispered, his vision going dark.

"I want what you took from me back."

Jackie gasped and fell into the darkness.


Wilford sighed. "Go fish," he muttered.

Anti cackled as he took a card out of Wilford's hand. "Mine now."

Dark paused his pacing. "What are you two doing?"

Anti blinked. "Cards?"

Wilford nodded. Dark groaned and went back to pacing. Useless. That's what he felt. He hated these new magic blockers that acted as collars. Anti and Wilford were distracting themselves like they always did. He hated it.

"Darky come on play with us," Anti said with a giggle.

Wilford nodded. "Yeah. You know you love us."

Dark eyes flashed. "How could you stay so calm? Do you know what Thursday was?"

Anti blinked. "No? It was the day we got thrown in jail but-"

"It was the day we met Jameson. Our anniversary!" Dark shouted.

Wilford gasped and smacked himself in the forehead. "I can't believe I forgot."

Anti bit his lip. "To be fair we thought Jameson was hurt. It just slipped our minds."

Dark nodded and sat at the table. "I just-"

Wilford grabbed his hand. "Hey, it's ok. We'll get out and then we'll be complete again."

Anti buzzed and gulped. "I miss him too. It's just not the-"

He was cut off when the alarm started to ring. But instead of the doors shutting and locking they swung open.

Wilford jumped up and grinned. "Fuck yeah," he said and grabbed Anti and Darks hands. "Let's go!"

Anti laugh maniacally. "I think this has happened before. Except for Dark, you were covered in blood."

Dark rolled his eyes and let Wilford pull him along. The three of them ran through the hallway. Dark gasped when something jumped on him. He went to snap the thing's neck and stopped. "Jameson?"

Jameson blinked up at him and smiled brightly. "Oh dear," Dark whispered.

Jameson had black liquid dripping from his mouth and eyes. "Jay?" Wilford asked and grabbed Jameson's wrist. "What happened to you?"

Jameson reached up and pressed a button on the magic prohibitor on Wilford's neck. It fell to the ground with a clunk. 'Less talking, more running.' Jameson signed.

Wilford nodded and summoned his guns. Dark stared at JJ with worry as he undid the collar on him. Anti hissed and picked JJ up by the waist. "Get moving Dark. I've got our jewel."

Dark nodded and ran through the hallway. They reached the glass doors. Dark pushed Wilford into the glass who disappeared into it. "Where the fuck are the-" Dark started.

He stopped when he realized the guards were all on the ground lying still. Anti sighed. "Dark," he whispered.

Dark pushed Anti and Jameson into the glass and stepped in himself. Dark let out a sigh of relief to see that they had stepped out into their living room. Anti pushed him aside and set JJ down on the couch. Wilford grabbed Dark and rested his head against his chest. "I hate jail."

Dark nodded and pulled him closer. Anti stroked JJs face and turned to his other two boyfriends. "He used his powers."

"He's not supposed to be doing that! He can't handle them!"

Anti nodded. "I know."

Wilford dug his nails into Dark's shoulders. "He'll be ok right?"

"I'm not sure." Dark whispered. "I'm not sure."

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