Chapter 23 Looking into the Stones

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The plane lands at the airport

Sun and his group land at the airport and were greeted by their loved ones. "Hey sub, I got a surprise for you back at the house. It was so random." Mom says holding his hands. "In a bit mom, I gotta deal with somethings 1st." Sun says and mom kisses him on the lips. "I'm coming with you, I've got your back in case anything goes bad." Dusk says and Typhlosion agrees. "Thanks you two." Sun says and smiles. "Oh sun, i see you got yourself a new a pokemon." Mom points out as she looks at greninja. "He was a gift from a war hero." Sun says and pats it's head. "Come on sun, we're wasting too much time dusk says. "I'll catch up with you later sun." Lillie says, she stands on her toes to kiss sun on the forehead. "Bye." Sun waves and follows dusk.

On poni island

Sun and dusk follow a dirt path, till they ran into some odd shapes in the dirt.

Sun and dusk follow a dirt path, till they ran into some odd shapes in the dirt

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"Hey sun, check this out." Dusk calls out as they follow the dirt path. "Are those Tauros hoof prints?" Sun asks. Yeah, and not just one, but a butt load of them." Dusk replies. "I think it's best we stay off the trail in case they ever come by." Sun says. "Good call." Dusk says.

At hapus house

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the champion sun and his brother dusk." Hapu says as she opened the door. "What can I do for you two?" Hapu asks with a slight smile. "Is acerola with you?" Sun asks. "Oh yes, she's helping me make sure the rattatas stay away from the crops won't her ghost pokemon, why?" Said hapu. "Can we come in a tell you?" Sun asks.


Sun opens the bag to acerola and hapu. "Oh my lucky stars. You've gotten all the stones." Hapu says. "Holy sh*t sun, you must've been hard at work." Acerola says with a purr. "What do you need me to do for you?" Hapu asks, it's all business right now. "We need you to check if their the right stones and how to place them in the temples door." Sun answers. "Well, it ain't gonna be cheap. You know, because I have a family to take care of....." Hapu starts. "Don't worry, i think i got something you might like." Sun says and gives it to hapu. He gave her the amulet coin Susie gave to him 5 years ago, but it was for a noble cause.

Hapu takes the coin from sun and pockets it

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Hapu takes the coin from sun and pockets it. "Thank you sir and I'll get to work." Hapu says, then pulls out a book. Sun and dusk wait for what seemed like hours, but hapu finally got the answer. "Your rings are made of the same material. These stones are a power source for the door to open. You need to keep these in order to open the door of the temple." Hapu explains. "Make sure the place the sun on the tope, the moon on the bottom, the dusk on the left, the rainbow on the right, and the star in the middle." Hapu explains. "What's behind the door?" Sun asks. "What's behind the door, is the other world of pokemon, but a great evil will be there waiting for you. It's a monster that once tried to destroy alola." Hapu answers. *Necrozma....* sun thinks and looks at the stones. "What can we do to make sure we can stop this great evil?" Sun asks. "You need to have someone with a heart of gold, a soul of sliver, and a born leader!" Hapu replies and pumps her fist in the air. "Was that necessary?" Sun asks. "Sorry, and you also need the 7 rings." Hapu adds with a chuckle.

"We need them for the power, because the leader has to use it?" Sun asks

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"We need them for the power, because the leader has to use it?" Sun asks. "Yes, but be careful. This power might kill whoever holds them." Hapu reminds. Hapu looks over at acerola who was now asleep. "Acerola? Have you been sleeping this whole time?!" Hapu asks in a bit of anger. "Sorry hapu, i didn't know I did. The story was kinda boring." Acerola purrs. "Thank you for listening to me sun, I'm not sure I'd help you when you need it." Hapu says with a smile. "We'll see you around." Acerola calls out with a purr.


Sun and dusk go outside to the mid day sun. "That didn't take too long. I should be heading home. Mom needs me." Sun says. "Okay sun, I'll see you around. I'll call you when I need you." Dusk says.

At home on mele mele island

Sun goes inside and was met with a huge smile on moms face. "Sun, I'm pretty sure you'd like this." Mom says with a even bigger smile. "Sun, please to introduce you to the the new and improved decidueye!" Mom says with a cheerful tone.

"Wow, take a look at me now

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"Wow, take a look at me now." Decidueye says and flaps his wings. "Holy crap, you look awesome. How did this happen?" Sun asks with a smile. "I was training him a bit for some exercise, but one day he just evolved and that's awesome!" Mom answers with a smile. "Sun, would you like to take decidueye to be a part of your team?" Mom asks, that shocked sun for a bit. *a lycanroc, Charmeleon, a greninja, and a decidueye.* sun thinks for a moment. "Sure." Sun accepts with a smile. Decidueye flaps with happiness. "Wow sun, your team seems to be growing." Moon says with a smile. "And it only took me 7 years which was 7 books to do it." Sun says, breaking the 4th wall. Sun goes to his room and was about to read his book he got from acerola, till his phone rang. "Hello?" Sun asks. "Hey sun, i need you by the restaurant. Me and mallow need you for something." Dusk calls up. "Okay dude, see you in a bit." Sun answers.

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