Chapter 71 Remember Nebby?

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Suns POV

Sun opens the door to reveal lillie with a big smile on her face. "When did you get out of school?" Sun asks, in shock to see lillie so early. "I got the day off!" Lillie jumps into suns arms. Sum tries to keep his balance, but ended up falling over. "Hey lillie, you're here to see sun?" May asks with a smile. "Yes I am." Lillie answers, and gets off of sun. May helps sun up, and sun rubs the back of his head from the fall. "Sun, come with me." Lillie says, and takes his hand. Sun had to follow lillie.

In suns room again

"So sun, what have you been up to lately?" Lillie asks with a smile. "I'm fine lillie, and great job on that test you toke." Sun says smiling. "Did mother tell you?" Lillie giggles. Sun nods and checks his phone for any text messages. "How's nebby?" Lillie asks, and points at suns bag. "She's fine..... Remember when lunala was a cosmog?" Sun asks, lillie nods to that response.

Flashback 8 years ago

"Thank you so much for your help sun." Lillie says and slightly blushes as she looks away from sun. "No problem lillie." Sun says and gives her a peace sign. Just then nebby runs off. "Nebby wait!" Lillie calls out and sun rushes to grab nebby. Sun grabs nebby, but scraps his arm in the process. "Oh dear sun, you're hurt." Lillie says with worry and goes on her knees and pulls out a 1st aid kit.

Lillie wraps a bandage around suns arm after applying the cream

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Lillie wraps a bandage around suns arm after applying the cream. "I'm sorry sun, i didn't mean for nebby to try and run off again." Lillie apologizes. "Lillie, it's okay. I'm more then happy to help nebby whatever means necessary." Sun assures her. *wow, sun is brave. I wish I could be as brave as him.* lillie thinks hopefully. She slightly blushes as she leans closer to sun. Lillie blushes as she looks into suns eyes and sun looks and did the same. The both lean into eachother and were gonna touch lips, the hear a familiar voice. "Hey cousin! Come on, we gotta get-" kukui was about to say something else till he saw lillie kinda on top of sun. Their faces were both red as a tomato berry. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt you and lillies private moment." Kukui chuckles and turns around. Lillie quickly gets up and grabs the bag with nebby in it. She uses her hat to hide her face.

Sun blushes a lot and he was weirded out by how he was going to kiss a girl he hardly he even knows

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Sun blushes a lot and he was weirded out by how he was going to kiss a girl he hardly he even knows. To be honest, he kinda liked her too.

End of flashback

"That was so brave of you to save nebby more then once." Lillie says and leans into suns shoulders and kisses him on the cheek. "Lillie, like i told you. It's no sweat and I wouldn't leave nebby or you all by yourself." Sun says, he then tickles lillie on the sides. Lillie giggles, trying to scoots away from him. Lillie smiles after he tickles her. "Thank you babe, I love you so much." Lillie says, and sun pets lillie on the head.

Sun then gets a call from dusk

"What is it dusk? We're in the same building. You could have came down here to tell me." Sun says and turns off his phone. "One second lillie, I have to deal with something." Sun says, lillie then plays with her hair. Lillie sighs a bit and then checks on her phone and eas happy about what sun did for her 7 years ago.

In dusks office

"What is sun? What do you want?" Sun asks, being annoyed. "Sun, I need to tell you something! It's about the Necrozma sighting." Dusk says, and stands up. "The Ultra Recon Squad has some information about the lore of lunala and Necrozma." Dusk says, not mentioning one more leaguadary. The reason being, the Necrozma steals the moons light and sunlight. "Sun, if you want to come Necrozma, then you're gonna have to listen to me. Not much time will be left if we don't go asap. We'll go into the portal in the morning." Dusk says. "Dinners ready!" May calls out. "Coming!" Dusk calls out and sun follows him.

At the dinner table

Sun sits with his gang as dawn serves them all fired chicken and fried among with coleslaw.

Sun enjoys the chicken and smiles when he tasted dawns new recipe

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Sun enjoys the chicken and smiles when he tasted dawns new recipe. "Thank you for cooking dawn, these taste great!" Serena says as she eats her coleslaw. "Thank you everybody. You all make me happy." Dawn says with a blush and sits down. "Yeah dawn, this chicken is great. The best I've ever tasted." Suns says and eats the chicken fast. "So boys, what's the plan?" Green asks, thinking their trouble is all over. "We have to go meet with the ultra recon squad." Dusk says and eats his fries. "You're joking right? You boys just got back from hell." Moon says, not wanting ehr brother going out and doing crazy things. "Babe, if it's what they want, then it's what they want." Gladion says and eats a forkful of chicken. "You're gonna be join us gladion." Dusk says and eats some more to make glaidon choke ooh his chicken. "What?" He asks through coughs and weezes. Moon giggles and helps gladion unchoke. "We'll be leaving in the morning, so you'll have ti get some bed rest men." Red says ans charizard agrees. "Why can't we come?" May asks. "Because we need you to hold the fort while we're gone." Calem answers and gets up to go to bed with serena. Lillie blushes and looks over at sun. "Can we sleep together?" She whispers and kisses sun on the cheek. "Yes lillie." Sun says and kisses her back.

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