Chapter 45 Battle Tree 🌳

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At the battle tree

Sun and his group enter the entrance of the battle tree. "So, this is the battle tree?" Hapu asks, since she never seen the battle tree before. "Yes, indeed." Lillie answers, before signing suns name. "Why sign my name? Don't you want to try?" Sun asks. "Yeah, but it's more fun when you do it." Lillie giggles, then kisses sun on the cheek. Sun rolls his eyes. "Okay, let's get this party started." Sun says, and only has too pick one pokemon. "I know you want to go lycanroc, but I think Tauros should battle." Sun says, lycanroc felt disappointed.

Tauros was surprised to have been picked for the battle tree

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Tauros was surprised to have been picked for the battle tree. "You up for it buddy?" Sun asks. "I'm ready as I'll ever be." Tauros moos. "Okay, let's do this." Sun says, then enters the battle tree.

After 19 battles, tauros was getting a bit weak, but then gets healed.

*man, that last battle is hard. Tauros nearly fainted.* sun thinks as he clenched his arm. Sun was starting to feel the same pain his tauros was feeling. That wasn't new, because he felt the same pain his lycanroc was feeling before. "Okay champion sun, you have just one more trainer to battle. He is the former gym leader of viridian gym." The woman says. Sun nods as the girls watch from the side lines.

Sitting and watching Lillies POV

"That is amazing!" Serena says in awe. "That's my boyfriend." Lillie says with a blushly smile. "I could've done that." Lycanroc barks, still being a bit jealous. "What do you think lycanroc is saying?" Hapu asks. "Only sun can answer that question. He has been talking to pokemon for as long as i can remember." Lillie says. "I don't doubt that." Serena says. "What do you mean?" Hapu asks. "Sun can talk to pokemon, because that one time he fell and hit his head. Must've altered his brain." Lillie assumes. "How did sun hit his head?" Hapu asks. "Lollies group of goons tried to shoot down lunala." Lillie answers. "Poor lunala, I'm sure she's greatful that sun saved her." Hapu assumes. "I'm trying to listen." Serena hisses. "Okay, okay, sorry." Hapu apologizes and looks over at sun who was meeting with a brown haired (or was he with orange hair? Idk) boy.

Back on the battle field Suns POV

"Greetings champion, I'm am blue. The former gym leader." Blue introduces himself. "I see you have a full team of 6, but you sadly only have one." Blue says in a cocky voice. "That doesn't matter, me and Tauros are just as strong." Sun says with confidence. "You sure about that? How about you say hello to my ace! Go blastoise!" Blue commands.

Blastoise pops out and Tauros readys itself for a fight

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Blastoise pops out and Tauros readys itself for a fight. "Blastoise, use hydro pump!" Blue commands, blastoise blasts and high volume of water. Tauros was hit with heavy damage. "Tauros, use Zen headbutt!" Sun commands and the tauros charges at blastoise. "Skull bash!" Blue counters, blastoise hides in it's shell. Tauros didn't even lay a scratch on it. "Take down!" Sun commands, tauros moons, then charges at blastoise. "Now!" Blue commands, blastoise bushes it's skull at tauros. Tauros was hurt very bad, but blastoise took some damage from the Take down. "Hydro pump!" Blue commands again. Blastoise blasts a huge volume of water, but tauros charges with a giga impact. "Giga impact!" Sun commands, tauros charges even faster, dodging blastoises move. Tauros hides and blastoise falls, but gets back up. "Bite!" Blue commands, and blastoise charges at tauros, baring its teeth. Tauros had to recharge from the hit, but fall to the side before blastoise could bit him. "Trash!" Sun says on the next turn. Tauros starts to kick and headbutt blastoise. "Again!" Sun commands, and Tauros does just that. Blastoise seems to be stunned. Tauros did trash a 3rd time. But as a good move, it has its flaws. Tauros was confused, and hits itself. "Earthquake!" Blue commands, then blastoise does a heavy stomp to make the whole tree shake. Tauros was heavily damaged. But tauros hits itself again! "Snap out of it!" Sun commands. "Use hydro bump blastoise!" Blue commands, blastoise blasts a huge volume of water again. Tauros was hit and fall, was it over? No, tauros gets back up. "Use take down!" Sun commands, tauros charges at blastoise, but blue counters with a skull bash. *wait, that's his plan, maybe...* sun thinks. "Use trash instead!" Sun commands. Tauros kicks and headbutts for the 1st time, and Tauros dodged the skull bash on the 2nd turn. But on the 3rd, tauros caused heavy damage to blastoise. "Blastoise!" Earthquake!" Blue counters, blastoise flies into the air. "Tauros, jump!" Sun counters, even in its confused stat, tauros jumps into the air. "Zen headbutt!" Sun commands. Tauros hits blastoise. Blastoise falls into the ground, and Tauros is the last one standing. "We have a winner! The champion sun!" The woman announced. Tauros walks back to sun and sun pets his damaged friend.

Tauros goes back into his ball, even lycanroc was shocked to see the battle that went down

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Tauros goes back into his ball, even lycanroc was shocked to see the battle that went down. Lillie rushes to sun and gives him a huge hug. "You're not bad kid, I've seen less." Blue says in a cocky tone. "You remind me of red. A trainer I use to battle years ago." Blue says. "Red? You mean the former kanto champion red?" Sun asks. "Yea, that red. Why you ask?" Blue asks. "Because he's in alola. He is part of the legendary ultra League." Sun answers.

Blue takes off his shades "you gotta be sh*tting on me

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Blue takes off his shades "you gotta be sh*tting on me." Blue says. ,my old friend and rival is here in alola." Blue chuckles. "Tell red, smell ya later." Blue chuckles. Sun laughs and then it died down a bit.

Out of the battle tree, the sun starts to go down

"I better get back home. I have chores to finish." Hapu says and rides off. "I have to get back to the League." Serena says, then flies off. "I guess that leaves me and you sun." Lillie giggles, then plants a kiss on suns cheek.

Back at the League, red gets a phone calls from sum

"Yeah sun?" Red asks. "Blue says, smell ya later." Sun answers, when red heard that, he fainted.

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