♡Mind of a Thinker♡ (Aidan)

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I always knew that the mind I had could cause me to rethink every situation I have ever looked upon, or ever spoke upon.

Of course I was right because somedays seemed easier to bear than others with my mind running miles inside of my skull waiting for the next panic to strike.

The moment I realized that I just didn't think like other human beings it not only made me feel heavy, but it made me feel free.

Of course I knew parents, and people would have perceptions, and expectations of me in their closed programmed minds.

Aidan seemed to be the only one who freely accepted me with open arms, and actually stayed for the ride even when things seemed uncertain.

That's what I love about him.

When we met as celebrities it seemed almost like a match made from heaven, and I realized that was the first time I stopped overthinking the practicality of the world and let things flow how they are supposed to.

The way they are meant to.

The one time I felt like I wanted to catch the bouquet at a wedding.

The one time I wished that he would find a reason to come my way, so I could do the schoolgirl strategy and bump into him accidentally.

Loving him has made me believe in fairytales, and love stories.

Because love doesn't have logic.

It is just beautiful in it's own way, and when it grows together it's almost so bright that it could blind you with a single glance.

"Y/n? Are you okay? I kinda lost you for a bit." Aidan says with a small smile on his face, while his hand caresses the soft skin on my shoulder.

His green eyes look almost transparent through the morning light as I admire him.

He stares lovingly at me knowing that this is something I find myself doing, causing him to smile shyly.

"I'm doing perfectly." I say moving my body closer to him and he pulls me towards his chest.

His sweet honeysuckle and lavender scent bringing my conciousness back into the heavens that is his presence.

Days like this feel like home, like no matter what the hell is happening in the world, in his grasp I will always be safe and happy.

As cliche as it sounds, I know that this is what love should feel like.

As much as I would love to say love shouldn't feel cliche, and seem almost cartoonish, you can't deny happiness when you feel it in your grasp.

"You are everything to me you know that?" Aidan whispers to me raspily due to his morning voice that brings me to the knees half the time.

"I'll never forget it." I say looking up at him with my soft sleepy eyes that he can't help but love with everything in his heart the moment he wakes up next to me.

His thumb runs over my cheek causing a small blush to a appear on my cheeks.

Aidan smiles at me before running his tongue over his lightly chapped lips before leaning in to place his lips against mine.

Our lips move beautifully against eachothers, and every kiss feels like it's the first time.

"I'm gonna make us some breakfast, so you can rest some more and I will bring it straight to you. Don't move a muscle." He says before kissing me once more before parting from my grasp.

Some days I wonder how it's possible to feel love this freely.

How I released myself from my own mental prison enough to give and accept the love that I deserve in my life.

Of course I knew it wasn't easy, but in the end I've never been more happy to call someone mine.

It makes me wonder what could be better than this?

I know this was short, but it was on my heart.

Also I know I said I was gonna post clear first, but clearly I changed my mind LMFAOO

It feels alot more free being in my drafts and I'm so excited to show you all that I have.

I love you all so much.

Thank you for being here for me and caring about me as much as I care for all of you.

I may not be 100% on my game right now, but I still want you all to know that no matter what I appreciate all of you and you have changed my life more than you think for the better.

Love and light.❤

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now