♡◇Hangout◇♡ (Nicky)

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Me and Nicky have been friends for as long as I can remember, but I knew as soon as Dawn invited me over for a group hangout, my newly discovered feelings for him would flare up.

Terrified that I would have to eventually face Nicky, I showed up and some people from school that I haven't met before showed up.

"Hi Nicky." I say to him as soon as he opens the front door to see me.

A smile is plastered on his face, making me shyly brush a strand of hair behind my ear with my hand.

"Hey, I'm glad you came." He tells me letting me in.

Immediately I hear a group of indecisive arguments.

"Okay guys, so here's the plan!" Dicky says, freaking us all out because when he has an idea, it either doesn't make sense, or it makes too much sense and it's dangerous.

There's no in between.

"Okay, what have you cooked up this time?" I ask Dicky actually suprized at what he says next.

Nicky stands next to me while we observe and see what tonight has in store.

"Hide and seek." He says excitedly.

Everyone looks around at eachother confused.

"You realize we aren't in kindergarten anymore right?" Ricky asks him.

"Duh, we are in high school." Dicky says not fully understanding.

"So you do realize, that's for babies!" Ricky says, clearly not making any progress.

"Not when you get tazed." He pulls out a taser from his pocket making us all jump when he presses the button.

I lean into Nicky's arms and we hug eachother scared that he's gonna slip up, and try to shock us.

We turn to eachother and pull away quickly realizing we just hugged.

"Okay, I'm in." Dawn says, interested in the new risky situation.

"If I find you, I get to taze you. Get ready, get set, Go!" Dicky says covering his eyes so we can all hide in the harper house.

"Nicky, in here!" I whisper yell to him as he follows me into the closet.

We both laugh at the new rush of adrenaline in our veins.

I realized how close we are face to face in this closet.

"You think he'll check here first?" I ask Nicky trying to break the ice.

"He's Dicky, the first place he's checking is the toaster." He says making me laugh.

"Hey, so I didn't wanna bring this up back there, but I kinda wanted to talk to you about something." I feel my heart drop instantly.

Those words could mean anything.

"Yeah, anything." I tell him with a smile.

"So, you know how we are really close and it's great?" He asks me now nervously playing with his hands.

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask him trying to be as calm as possible.

It's impossible. He's literally beautiful and his hair, eyes, face, body language, it's all so distracting.

I'm so in love with this boy, and he genuinely has no clue how I feel about him...

He walks closer to me placing both hands on my sides on the wall.

My breathing hitched as he leaned in. His lips caressed mine bringing my mind to a calm release at the fact that he does feel the same.

I kiss back deeper and he leans me against the wall.

After a couple of seconds he pulls away with a smile on his face. I bite my now numb lip at the sensation of having his lips on mine.

"I realized, I feel drawn even closer to you. I don't want to be friends anymore. I want to be with you. Like, your boyfriend." He tells me, his hair now pretty messy from my hands being run through it.

"I want to be with you too, Nicky." I say placing my hands on his chest while his gaze softens at my words.

He kisses me deeply and we find ourselves getting lost in the moment.

The game was the last thing we cared about right now.

Biting eachothers lip occasionally, and our tongues down eachothers throats.

He lifts me up pressing me against the wall making me tingle with pleasure, him being so rough with me.

Pretty soon the door jerks open, startling the both of us.

"FOUND YOU!" Dicky says, with a bunch of other people repeating it.

In fear Nicky accidentally drops me.

"Christ! Nicky!" I groan out in pain at the impact, from falling on my ass.

"Guys what the hell?!" Nicky says quickly helping me up.

"How were we supposed to know you were making babies in the closet?" Dawn says, making Nicky roll his eyes shutting the closet door on their faces.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. It was really unexpected." He says caressing my face, his soft gaze and touch actually helping.

"It's okay, just don't drop me next time." I say laughing. He laughs in response kissing me sweetly and softly.

He takes his hand in mine.

"Ready?" He asks me referring to leaving out the door.

"Ready." I say walking out with him.

Nicky Harper, my boyfriend. It definitely feels amazing.

Who would have thought he felt the same?

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now