♡☆Singer's Debt☆♡ Pt.3 (Five)

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"Who did this to you?" They ask him, and he immediately brushes it off taking one of their coffee cups, and helping me off of the floor.

"Are you okay?" He asks me concerned, seeing I was now limping in order to walk with him.

My ankle pops when I stood up, so maybe not so much.

"I'm just peachy. Ran in heels and everything and took a fall, and I still got up. I'm doing great." I say sarcastically, with a smile on my face making him lightly smile at me.

I look over and the man holding a knife is glaring at me defensively.

"This is Y/n. My girlfriend. You don't need much further information on whether she is safe or not. She can help us." Five says, fixing his blazer.

"Bullshit, I can see right through her." The injured one says.

"Well, I think your girlfriend has amazing fashion sense, but what about Delores?" His brother with eyeliner, and sweat beading over his body says, calling my attention.

Five just avoids eye contact.


My gaze averts back to the man with the knives.

"How did you get that arm sling in the first place? Might wanna listen to your brother." I say, making the grunge man laugh.

"How does she know we're related?" Diego asks Five defensive.

"Relax, Diego. Okay? Y/n, this is Diego, Luther, Klaus, and Allison." He introduces to me pointing to all of them in that order.

"Is that a gun?" Allison asks me concerned, and yes it is.

Before we left, I took a small handgun from one of the armed men.

Taking it out of the side of my outfit, the rest of them brace themselves.

Of course, I was just showing them.

So much for a good first impression.

"Diego no!" Five tries to tell him noticing he was ready to throw a knife.

Diego throws his knife at my arm slicing the side of it, but it reflects back to his arm, and he groans out in pain.

"I told you." Five says to him, rolling his eyes.

"What the hell?!" Allison says in shock realizing, looking back at Luther.

"Is she?" Luther asks Five, making me confused.

"Am I what?" I ask Five placing the gun where I originally had it.

"One of the super children born without explanation. Now that I think of it, there is so many more of us out there. I didn't even know you had powers until today." Five tries to explain to me, in between trying to understand himself.

"Well, you never told me what day you were born, so of course I didn't think it was important to share mine." I explain my side of it to him.

"Well, that makes things a little more weird." Klaus says, referring to the both of us.

"Shut your yaps, Klaus." Five says, making me realize that this family is alot more screwed up than I expected.

"So my father isn't my father? I was just unexpected?" I ask him, seeing the concerned look on his face.

"Welcome to the Dark side sister." Klaus says coming in for a hug, making me smile as he gave me a really comforting hug.

"Well, this is Y/n. I'd try not to kill her. Her power is..." He looks at me confused.

"A voodoo doll basically." I explain to them, seeing them all nod. Klaus plops back down onto a small bench.

"Well, welcome to the family." Allison tells me, making me smile.

"Sorry about the arm Diego." I apologize seeing him scoff and I can notice him start to calm down.

What Diego could probably see through me, was that I have killed people.

Many people of course. It comes with working in the commission.

It lingers in my auora constantly, and I just try not to let it effect me.

When Hazel and Cha-Cha attacked the academy, I was already taken from the field.

To hear that after forcing information out of dot, it worried me.

"Well, where do we start?" I ask Five referring to the apocalypse.

He smiles at me making myself comfortable already.

Anywhere with him is comfort for me.

It was about time I stood up for what I believed I deserved.

"Five, you have a little mess on your shorts. Is that what I think it is?" Klaus says pointing to him with a suspicious grin.

Looking towards him, I laugh lightly realizing there was a small stain from what we did earlier.

"So, while we were trying to figure out how the world ends, you were laying your girlfriend?" Luther asks me, making me smile at Five.

"That is none of your concern, I'm back here anyway." He explains to them.

"Were you at least safe?" Klaus says, acting like his father. Five's patience right now is probably at the bare minimum.

How do we tell him he came in me without telling him?

"Doesn't matter, we have a lead." Five says, trying to hide his smirk.

God I love this man.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now