♡Date Night♡ (Five)

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"Okay, so tell me, what are you up to?" I laugh as Five guides me to a random place in the house.

He has one hand on my right arm and the other clasped in my hand.

"It's a suprize-Watch out for the step!" The front of my sneaker hits the slightly raised tile.

He holds me back and we laugh as he takes my hands in his.

"Don't go killing me now!" I laugh and feel around for the higher part of the tile. All of a sudden I didn't feel that tile there.

"You're fineeee. Just a little further." He reassures me. I smile and continue on until we finally come to a stop.

"Wait, we could have teleported here." I remind him still having no clue where we are.

"Oh we did, like halfway through. I wanted you to get the full effect of the date." He kisses my forehead taking off the blindfold.

How did I not even notice?

Oh yeah, when I almost tripped.

The first thing I take in is his handsome chiseled features. The way his dimpled cheeks make themselves known when I'm around.

His light green eyes staring into mine with such love and car.


(I'm leaving it🚘)

God I love this man.


I thought it would be a great idea to have a night to ourselves to really show her how much I appreciate her.

"Hi." She says laughing and I see the small tiny of blush in her cheeks. She always tries to hide it, but I notice everytime.

I take in this moment, she's so beautiful and caring, I could get lost in her eyes all day.

"Hi, Y/n." My eyes never leave her soft shy gaze. I kiss her again on the forehead before turning her by her shoulders to see a candlelit dinner.

Rose petals scattered across the table. A glass of wine in a small ice bucket on the table.

Two empty glasses of wine.

"Oh my God, Five. I love it!" She says excitedly holding me tightly. I lift her spinning slowly with her arms wrapped around my neck.

"Mom helped me set it up. I know you've been stressed lately and I just wanted you to know that I love and cherish you. Also, to apologize for breaking your new pair of earphones-" I say, this was mostly for a date but I thought it would be a good moment to bring it up.

Two birds with one stone.

"Aw that's sweet Five- Wait my earphon-" We are cut off my Klaus humming loudly coming in with a small silver platter.

"Hello, lovebirds. How are we this evening? Go ahead and take a seat. Everything will be out in just a moment." He tells us winking at me. I roll my eyes playfully. He leaves somewhere probably to finish up.

"Yeah, so here we have it. Just for you. A day for us." I pull out her chair for her to sit.

"I genuinely have no words. You did all this for me?" She asks me sweetly putting her hands on mine.

"For the woman I love, of course. I'd do anything for you." I tell her with soft eyes. She kisses my hands and Mom comes over and opens the wine bottle for us pouring a nice amount in each glass.

"I got you something, but you have to wait until after dinner." She nods with a smile on her face.

Mom comes in with two platters and she places the plates in front of us.

"Thank you." I tell her and she smiles at me. Y/n and I lift our glasses.


"To a love that has made me a better version of myself and has filled me when I felt empty." Five says, while I hold my hand to my heart. I love this man so much.

We clink our cups together and immediately drink from the cup.

The first date we ever went on was at the Drive in.

Five thought it was old fashioned, but I insisted that we go anyway.

We had an amazing time and we actually had our first kiss that day.

I knew immediately, I wanted to spend my life with him.

"Five, you know how much I appreciate you right?" I ask him. He looks at me with an understanding, but confused look.

"Of course. I appreciate you too." He says with a small smile. His dimple showing making me smile to myself.

I know for a fact he noticed that.

"Okay kids! Today we have an amazing gourmet dish. Enjoy!" Klaus says, running in placing our plates on the table. We both laugh at how much he startled us.

After dinner, we both went upstairs and he showed me the gift.

Of course, he blindfolded me first.

"Okay, It's right here. You ready?" I nod my head. He removes the blindfold and hands me a small velvet box.

"Five, I'm nervous." I say excitedly not wanting to ruin the gorgeous box.

"It's okay, open it." He laughs rubbing me back.

I open it and this was inside.

"I don't know what to say

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"I don't know what to say." It was beautiful and it looked fragile.

A rose gold chain with diamonds shaping his first initial.

"I know, I get busy. I just want you to know even when I'm not here, I'm still here." He says taking it out of the box to put it around my neck.

"I love you, Five Hargreeves." I tell him with a smile on my face. My hand cups his cheeks and his soft gaze burns into my heart giving me a warm welcoming feeling.

"I love you, Y/n L/n." He says leaning in and kissing me deeply pulling me closer by my waist.

"Hey, I didn't think you two were getting to the baby making yet, I'll leave you two." Klaus says coming into the room and quickly leaving the room.

"Klaus." Me and Five say to eachother laughing.

I know, I'm writing a bunch of soft shit.

There are too many soft ideas that deserve to be noticed so hehehe

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now