♡☆Hawaiian Punch☆♡ (Aidan)

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I like making long imagines so just a warning for the new people here.

Also I made them right after eachother so that you don't have to wait for this one.

I stare at my ceiling contemplating whether I should look down at my phone or not.

Why go to parties? Why not just stay and stare at your ceiling for hours?

It's an Olympic sport at this point.

I feel my phone vibrate beside me making groan out of annoyance.

My ringtone practically blasts in my ear.

It's literally Lana Del Ray. I mean we have to stan.

I turn to my side to see it's my best friend.


No regular names in this house hold. Go big or go home.

"Hello?" I answer my voice clearly stating I'd rather be doing anything else right now.

"Are you gonna tell me why you aren't answering my texts?" My friend confronts me. I slowly slide off my bed onto the floor groaning.

"I know you're gonna ask me to go out." I respond staring at my carpet trying to see if it moves when I look away.

Is that just me?

"Get your sorry ass off of your floor, and let me in." She tells me already done with my whining.

Wait, what?

I run out of my room and towards my front door.

I unlock the door and there she is all dressed up and ready.

"Bar, I'm really not in the mood to shake my ass right now." I whine letting her in locking the door behind her.

She turns to me with her arms comfortably crossed on her chest.

"Which is exactly why I'm here. You haven't came out with me in weeks. I'm gonna get you ready. You deserve to enjoy yourself. Sulk in the fun of fresh air." She excitedly says pulling me towards my bedroom.

As I plop down on my bed backwards,  she rummages through my closet.

"Where even is this party? I assume it is a party." I claim already knowing she's thinking it.

"Stop being so negative. It's not healthy for your heart." I gasp sarcastically. She laughs throwing one of my shirts at me.

"Seriously though, it is this one guy's party. I think his name is Amen or something." I laugh at her clearly failed attempt to remember this guys name.

"This isn't a youth group or anything?" She rolls her eyes digging deeper in my closet.

"Y/n, I'm going to physically choke you." She states frustrated.

"Fine, but I'm chosing my outfit." I say pulling the latex dress she just pulled out of my closet from her hands.

"I don't care as long as you get out of here." She says happily plopping on my bed.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now