☆Tease Me☆ (Five)

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Five has been ignoring me all day, but I had to shop for a costume for our Halloween party tonight, so I decided why the hell not tease him while I choose one.

I grabbed some costumes while he waited outside.

Of course, as soon as the woman counting the amount of clothes I brought with me, let me go, he would be meeting me in the stall.

"Are you going to dress up tonight?" I ask him while he sits in the dressing room chair.

"I'm already a serial killer." He says, lightly laughing clearing the air a bit.

Casually shrugging and humming, I pull a small skin tight red dress over my head while he watches me.

The red was supposed to go with my demon look. Really feeling this look, I turn to him.

"How do you think this looks?" I ask him, and he takes a second snapping out of his own world.

"I think it looks great." He says, clearly knowing he wants to look, but he's just thinking too much.

"How about if it rides up a little more?" I say, sweetly, walking closer to him, letting my hands drag the dress upwards.

"Are you trying my patience now?" He says, scoffing. Eyes narrowed as he watches me swing my hips side to side.

My hand traces his sharp jawline, watching him look up at me with his pretty green eyes.

"I am definitely trying something." I respond, letting my legs wrap around him in his chair. His hands grope my ass making me jump moaning lightly.

"We'll see about that." He says, jumping us towards the mirror, but we were both naked from the waist up.

"You know if you weren't such a brat, I'd say you look almost fucking stunning in that outfit, but I couldn't stay mad at you, even if I tried." He says lightly in my ear, with the side of my head pressed against the glass.

"Then fuck me daddy~ Right here in this dressing room~" I moan gliding my tongue across my teeth.

I feel Five drag his cock up and down gathering my wetness before pushing himself inside of me.

"Yess~ you feel so goohhud~" The moans escape from my lips, while Five groans as he fucks me from behind.

"Harder~" I moan out, making him grip my hips tighter, and thrust quicker.

"Fuc!-" We are interrupted by the sales clerk outside of the stall.

"Is everything okay in there? Are you crying honey?" She asks me, making me turn to look towards Five.

"Y-yeah! I'm okay. Thank youu!" I say trying not to moan out too much.

We hear her leave, and he jumps us to the chair he was sitting in, where I am on top. Now both of us completely undressed.

"Fuck! You feel so fucking good inside of me~" I moan into his ear, making him throw his head back.

His hands grip my hips, grinding my hips into him while he kisses my chest, swirling his tongue around my sensitive nipples.

"You are so fucking beautiful~" He moans into my skin, making me smile, and we kiss to quiet ourselves.

Then, he hits my G-spot making me scream into his mouth, and I feel him smirk into the kiss.

Almost immediately, I feel myself reach my high, and he has to cover my mouth.

We hear someone knock on the stall door, and quickly I cover Five's mouth.

"Is someone fucking in here?!" We hear a woman say, and Five immediately jumps us out of the dressing room, into the car we came in.

Our clothes now resting in the passenger's seat.

Thank God this parking lot is empty.

He leans me back in the backseat thrusting into me, with one of my legs propped up.

"Auah~ Maybe we should have waited till we got home~" I moan out, making him chuckle, and hit my G-spot again.

"FUCK~!" A moan escapes my lips, and he smirks with a smile smile.

"You sure you wanted to wait babe?~" He asks me melting into every move.

With that, my high comes quickly. My walls convulse around his hard member making me open my mouth wide, and my eyes meet the back of my head.

"YESS GOD YESS~!" He moans out at the feeling, clasping his hand around my throat.

Five let's me ride out my high kissing down my neck and chest.

"Let me suck you off baby." I tell him, and he nods.

We change positions so that he is sitting up and I am on my knees on the car floor since we pushed the front seat forward so we could have enough room.

My hands grasp his cock lightly, and I drag my hand slowly up and down, watching him squirm with every move.

"Please~" He moand out, looking at me with begging eyes.

Slickly, I slide my tongue from the bottom his shaft to the tip, lathering it in my saliva as my tongue swirls around the head of his cock.

"Y/n~ You're so good at this~ uhh~" He moans, watching me as I bob my head up and down his dick lathering it in my wetness.

Once I think I have enough, I start twisting sliding my hands up and down, sucking sloppily on the head of his cock, watching the wetness slide down his shaft.

He moans, uncontrollably, his eye rolling making me even more intrigued.

Stroking harder, he grips my hair, and I nod my head giving him permission to move it the way he wants.

I feel his hand push me down, making me lightly gag as his cock hits the back of my throat.

"Aauh~ Y/n~ Like that~!" He moans, and I slide upwards, letting my hands stroke him, while my tongue circles his tip, looking him straight in the eye.

"I'm cumming~" He forces out, breathlessly, and I let his cum shoot into my mouth, swallowing the thick liquid.

My mouth licks around the tip, getting every last bit, and he pulls me closer to him, sloppily kissing me, sucking gently on my tongue.

"Yeah, that dress is the one." He tells me pulling away, and caressing my face.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now