◇Jealous◇ (Five)

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Five slipped his hands up my shirt as his tongue explored every area of my mouth.

We had been making out for a couple of minutes.

I ran my hair through his hair while he rubbed my hips and sides with his hands.

Feeling risky, I tugged his hair a little bit, earning a low quiet moan from his mouth into mine.

"Mmm~" He pressed his body on mine making me want more of this untill we hear a cough.

"If you could take your sexing upstairs, that would be great." Diego says making both of us practically jump away from eachother.

"We were actually gonna watch a movie-" I start only for Five to cut me off.

"So, if you would leave, we'd like to get to it." Five says with a fake smile. I hit his chest making he glare at me.

"You can watch a movie with us, we weren't doing much anyway." I say inviting him to sit next to us.

Five looks at me lightly biting his tongue, telling me, "Are you serious?" With his eyes.

I roll my eyes scooting closer to him, so he can put his arm around me and I can bury my head in his chest.

Diego plops down next to me getting comfortable, while I start skimming through movies on Netflix.

Five huffs at the fact that we are no longer alone.

Eventually, I choose a movie and it's actually a scary movie because it's Spooky season and they aged again because October 1st was their birthday.

"Oh my God why did they run past the front door?! The exit was right there!" I yell out frustrated at the lack of common sense in some horror movies.

"Its natural selection. They had their chance." Diego says making us both laugh.

Five wasn't amused the entire time he's been really defensive and angry.

"Diego, I've seen you run past a door while getting shot at. I highly doubt that even you could outrun these Serial killers." He says making me roll my eyes.

"Calm down Five, it's just a movie." I say to get him to stop being such a jealous bastard.

Halfway through the movie me and Diego kinda scooted closer to eachother and every once in a while we would lean into eachother based on laughter.

Once I finally turned back to Five, he was staring Diego down, like he was seconds away from burying an axe in his skull.

"Five, if you keep scowling at him like that, you're gonna burst a blood vessel." I tell him quietly taking his hand in mine.

He ignores me and by the end of the movie he practically pushes Diego out of the room.

"Okay, now that that's over with, leave us be." He tells Diego making him roll his eyes and leave the room.

"Why are you being so jealous?" I ask him angrily. He scoffs.

"I'm not jealous." He says denying it.

Typical Five.

"Of course you aren't, just like I'm not wearing the underwear you like on me right now." I say looking over at him knowing it'll catch his attention.

"Wait, are you?" He asks me, his mood slightly changing with a raise in his eyebrows, and that smug side smile he always gives me when hes in the mood.

I lean in to the side of his ear crawling towards him on his side of the couch.

"Admit you're jealous, and you'll see." I whisper in his ear kissing down his neck.

"Okay, I'm jealous." He says without hesitation, kissing me deeply flipping us over so he's on top.

"You're so stubborn." I tell him laughing quietly as I run my hands down his chest.

"Shush." He says, quieting me by kissing me passionately and lustfully.

He slips his tongue in my mouth twirling it around mine, making me wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss as his strong hands explored my body.

I feel his hand reach down to the hem of my sweats making my breath hitch.

He pulls away from the kiss seeing the frustration in my eyes.

"Holding back now?" He asks me teasingly.

"Never." I say licking his bottom lip.

We started kissing again until...

"Everywhere I go in this house, you two are fucking. MOVE OUT FOR CHRISTS SAKE!" Luther says with a bag of chips in his hand.

Sometimes I forget we live with people.

"Can it, Luther! You can watch if you're so bothered!" Five yells out to him walking away. I hit his chest covering my face at the embarrassment.

"Well, now I'm turned off." I say so embarrassed, my cheeks are flushed.

"Yeah, me too. Let's just watch another movie." He says sighing. I kiss him gently on the lips before he moves from between my legs.

"What movie you wanna watch?" He asks me.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now