♡☆Singer's Debt☆♡ Pt.4 (Five)

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This chapter is a ✨shitshow✨

Love you all❤


Making our way to find the file for the Harold Jenkins guy, everything seemed fine, and like things were running smoothly.

Diego refused to let anyone else help in getting the file, so we just stood by and waited.

"Fuck." I think to myself, not realizing I said it outloud recieving a confused stare from Five.

"What's wrong?" Five asks me leaned against the building, while his sister is calling someone on the payphone.

She's called multiple times, but it doesn't seem like they are gonna answer.

Of course, the last thing I want right now is to be found by the commission. So, now that I have officially left, my eyes have to be peeled.

"You know how we have trackers right?" I say frantically, immediately calling his attention.

His eyes widen, and he nods concerned, looking around to see if any of the commission arms made it here.

Thank Christ, no one was here just yet.

"Shit. Okay, do you have a pocket knife? I took out mine a while ago. The day that I came here." He says, taking my right wrist, and feeling around for it.

I'm pretty sure it's deep. Hopefully not too deep to where it will give them more time for me to get the fucking thing out.

"In my purse. That means they have to be close by now. Shit. Okay, we need to go to the car and do this." I tell him, looking over at the car not far from here.

"Allison, I'll be back, we'll be in the car." She nods, not really caring as we start sprinting towards the car.

We make our way to the car quickly, and without hesitation I take out the small black pocket knife from my purse as soon as I get in the back seat, slamming the car door behind me.

He takes the knife from my hand, and brings my arm closer to him softly.

Looking him in the eyes, I can tell he knows it's gonna hurt like fuck.

"This is gonna hurt like a bitch, so I need you to breathe for me. Going in blind hurts less." Five tells me honestly, making me more nervous.

"Fuck it, just go in. No warning. Counting down will make it worse." I tell him shaky, seeing the knife flip out as he clicks it.

His hand positions itself pointing the side of the blade to my arm, preparing to put me through excruciating pain.

"Okay...and cutting." He says sucking in his teeth, before starting to slice into my wrist.

"I said no warn- SHIT!" I yell out squeezing his thigh at the pain, my nails probably digging into his skin from the fabric.

The knife feels like it's going near my bone. The sound of my skin ripping cleanly is overpowered by my screams.

I don't mind knife play, but it's different when it's life and death.

"FUCK!" I yell out loud, and he tries to comfort me.

"I'm almost done. Just a little longer." He says, before reaching into my wound, and digging inside searching for it.

Blood starts spilling over the side of my arm as he reaches in.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now