♡☆What if we stopped caring☆♡ (Aidan)

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I missed you all❤ now here is this super intimate chapter i wrote about Aidan and a forbidden love.

And yes this is a personal chapter to me as you can tell if you look at my announcements aysgdg

"Okay what episode were we on?" Aidan asks me with an excited smile on his face as we cuddle in his bed watching our favorite shows.

Lately we have spent quite a bit of time together, and its refreshing, but at the same time nerve wrecking because all I do is blush and stumble over every word that even dares to slip from my mouth.

His legs are wrapped around mine as we savour eachothers warth.

The cold room making it a perfect time for cuddling and gives me more time to get closer to him.

For months I have felt for him, but I wasn't sure if telling him was the right idea. There is too much to lose and too great of a friendship to tamper with while im unsure about myself.

Relationships scare me, and the thought of loving someone as much as I should love my self intimidates me.

I really am in love with him. Its so much deeper than any hookup I had. Most of them were to forget about my feelings for him, but I can only subside for so long.

The sex, making me wonder what it would feel like with his lips and tounge dragging down my chest and in between my thighs. Every breath, imagining it was him making my eyes roll back while my walls tighten around his cock.

Then I open my eyes and remember it isnt him.

"You're so tight" They say.


I was thinking of someone else and I got turned off the moment I realized it was just you.

My pussy couldnt help but clench in disapointment uncomfortably.

We constantly go into this cycle of not being sure how we feel, its almost awkward but comforting.

There is no way he doesn't feel my emotions about him.

Everytime we make eye contact, the energy shifts and we go into hide your feelings about eachother mode.

Even small moments of eye contact are intimate for me. With him, its almost impossible to not get lost into his eyes.

When Im around him I feel heavy, but light at the same time. We have our issues, but in the end we know that the connection is stronger than any fight that we have had, or will have. At least I hope so.

This confusing game of cat qnd mouse, but confusion on how it started. How it would end, or if it would end.

I feel so eager to just lean in and place my lips on this mans skin, lips, and wherever he'll let me.

My strong will power keeps me from leaning in everytime we make deep meaningful eye contact.

"I cant remember lets just watch till things look familiar." I say laying my head on his chest lightly, getting as comfortable as a friend, while also letting my crush side spill over at the fact that we are so close and comfortable together.

He turns to look at me with his bright green eyes, and he starts to speak. I try to focus on his words but I am so distracted by him that my heart flutter and my cheeks heat up, making the words come out inncorectly.

My smile dragging across my face wihen I realize how beautiful he is, and how much I love getting this close to him. I crave closeness. I want to drown in his skin as he holds me close to his body, naked or not.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now