A Chance To Grow

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Just to clarify, I am 17, so I'm sorry If I seem really older, based on the way I talk in a discussion.

If you guys are wondering why I won't address the Aidan situation, I have chosen to stay out of it, and let people be negative if they wanna be, there is no point trying to sugarcoat any of the actions, and there sure as hell isn't any point in me drawing my energy trying to address why people are staying in the negative.

I'll speak on it when I'm ready, but for now, I'll still be writing about him.

I still love him, and I know people can change, it's just his choice if he wants to take the steps to do so, on the topic of his impulses, fears, etc.

I'm sorry for those who are down, kno2w that I am here to talk if you wanna talk. That will never change. I wanna help people.

I'm not gonna take the situation personally, because it's not mine to take personally.

It's a personal thing he needs to work on, and the ones involved worsening the situation to deal with. (Mods, lemon cult, even some in Aidan's Army)

I see this as an opportunity to bounce back and become stronger, and to stop adding on to the toxicity that lurks in this fandom.

He'll eventually face what's going on, and realize, but we don't have to wait on him to do so, it's his own personal journey.

So, no, I don't think he's a terrible person. I think he has terrible impulses, and a clouded mindset.

I don't believe there are bad people, I believe there are insecurities, and clouded judgements, that make us act on impulse.

Except for Trump, and people like him, people who support him, they are their own toxic breed.

It depends on how you address these impulses.

So, just to clear it up. I'm not defending any actions, from anybody.

Aidan's Army is at eachothers throats for terrible reasons, and it's not worth it.

I know that this is temporary, and that we can bounce back, if we allow ourselves to.

I know that Aidan will realize soon enough that he's going at this the wrong way, and I know that he will open his eyes.

He'll probably get the wake up call of a lifetime, but untill then, don't build your happiness on him. He doesn't know what's right for himself yet.

I know many of us still love him, and support him, and that's okay, just know it's okay to distance yourself a bit, and breathe.

It's okay to take a break from the fandom.

I'm spending my time writing and working on myself, so hopefully I can encourage you to take this time to focus on yourself, and don't feel the need to include yourself in the negative.

It's not worth it. Nothing good comes from it.

No matter who you are, what you have gone through, you have accomplished so much, and have grown, and continue to grow as you live out your days, and I am proud of you.

Even if you don't see it, you have made it this far, and I love you for holding on.

I love you all, and I feel close enough to you all to encourage you guys to take this time and breathe if you are affected by this or not, and enjoy yourself.

Let people deal with their problems on their own, and let yourself be free from whatever the hell is going on in this fandom.

I know we can be strong and healthy again.

Let the rest of this fandom, and Aidan face what they need to, in order for them to learn their lessons.

I don't know how many of you believe in the universe.

Whether or not you do, know this is a sign to take time for yourself and breathe.

Whether, it's based on the situation or not.

I'm here to talk anytime. I love you all.

I mean we could start our own "cult" in this fandom, a cult that spreads love and kindness, but towards ourselves and others to encourage eachother to grow through positivity.

Astral cult sounds good for me.

To symbolize finding the deeper meaning in life, our hearts and people.

The universe is endless, so personally I think it fits. The ability to grow, and the amount of growth there can be is, endless. It's such a beautiful thing.

I'd start a fan account if it means I can start something positive that can help this fandom.

It will have nothing to do with recognition, or fame, and all to do with how we can grow as people, and make a difference in the world, just by creating a positive environment.

It'll take alot of encouraging for me to start it, but anything to help my loves.

(Comment your thoughts on that here)

I love you all, and you are worthy and deserving of love.

I cherish each and every one of you, skimming through my imagine books.

You are amazing.

Much love,


Also if you need a little heart food.

I have a song I really like, and it's really pretty. It's french, and I know nothing about french, but this song inspires me, and makes me feel lighter in the heart.

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