◇♡What Would He Say♡◇ Pt.2 (Nicky)

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Long story short, I need more pictures of Nicky.

"I can explain Dicky." I say walking up to him, I was going to take his hand, but he pulled away.

"I knew this whole time that I wasn't crazy! You two have been seeing eachother this whole time?!" He tries to dissect the situation.

"Dicky, of course not, you're my brother, I would never do that to you." Nicky says, coming down the stairs fully.

"But it's okay for you to makeout with my girlfriend?" Dicky says, getting in his face.

I pull Dicky away from him, so he faces me, letting go of his arm.

"Leave him out of this. Also, I'm not your girlfriend anymore Dicky, stop saying that." I say facepalming.

"We're just taking a break, it isn't actually over." Dicky says, actually believing it.

"No, it is over. No break, we are done." I clear up, crossing my arms.

Dawn was behind us cleaning up the popcorn on the floor.

I decided to help her clean up the mess.

"So you thought you should go after a second brother of Dawn's?" Dicky says, making my eyes widen, at the fact that he assumed that was true.

"Are you serious right now? Do you even hear yourself?!" I say throwing my hands up in frustration.

"Well, do you have a better explanation? I'd really like to hear it." He straightens his posture crossing his arms.

I walk over to him, looking him dead in the eye.

"It's none of your business who I'm with, or who I choose to be with. I am not dating Nicky." I poke his chest with my finger.

Nicky looks over at me kinda sadly.

"So you admit, you have liked Nicky this whole time?" He says, getting closer to me, making my breath hitch.

"Dicky..." I say, trying to find the words to say, but it's true.

"Right, I should have known." Dicky says walking away, running up the stairs.

We all look at eachother in shock, and Nicky goes up to get away from the complicated situation.

I couldn't enjoy the movie marathon because we were both freaking out about what happened.

"So he told you that he's in love with you?" Dawn asks me quietly.

The TV was turned off, and we were both laying underneath her covers with our heads turned to eachother.

"I told him first. I have always liked him. Dicky, and I just grew on eachother, and he asked me out. Nicky didn't." I say putting my hands over my face.

"I get liking Nicky, but Dicky?" She asks me disgusted.

"I thought he was sweet, and comedic, but it turns out hes just controlling." I say turning my body towards Dawn.

"Just try and sleep it off, we can talk about this in the morning." She says rubbing my shoulder, before turning off her bedside lamp.

I thought the morning would be a little better.

Everyone needed sleep, and I thought a little shuteye would make them a little less mad at eachother.

I was so wrong, even Dawn didn't know what to do during breakfast.

"Good morning, guys." I tell Dicky, and the rest of the quads, with Ricky and Dicky on one side, and Dawn and Nicky on the other.

"Why are you still here?" Dicky asks me angrily.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now