☆Diego's Car☆ (Five)

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Five and I have been together for a couple of years. Once we came back to 2019, he told me that the last thing he wanted to do was act like he hasn't loved me all these years.

We made it official.

We were able to come home and doomsday ceased to exist. Along with the previous Apocalypse.

Alison came back home to Claire and we were able to meet her for the first time after getting stuck in the apocalypse.

Luther still boxes for a living on his own, Klaus settled down with some guy who's name I can hardly remember.

Diego, found another girlfriend in the police academy. I know he still misses Lila. He wasn't charged for Patch's death. Vanya is now able to pursue a career in music.

With me and Five we can finally relax. Take as long as we need. We actually are planning our life out. We have all this time to rest our shoulders.

Actually, quite a bit alone of time.

Ever since the day we couldn't help ourselves...

"What are you doing Five?" I say playfully as he starts rubbing the inner part of my thigh.

I kiss him deeply and he pulls me into his lap making me giggle jumping a bit.

In response, I start kissing him deeper, watching him melt under my touch.

He grips my hips pushing my core against his now hard bulge.

"We can do whatever you wanna do." He raspily tells me in my ear. I laugh and start kissing his neck while he throws his head back giving me full access.

"Y/n~" He moans quietly. His deep raspy voice turning me on even more.

Then ending up...

"Harder Five~!" I moan out as he pounds into me making my nails trail down his back. I start grinding my hips with his thrusts.

Of course he's a top, I mean have you seen him?

"Like that~ Fuck Y/n!~" He moans out throwing his head back.

Yeah, that was the first time we have ever had sex together.

Now we can't get enough.

I get that he needs some love and he's pretty touch starved since the apocalypse.

I usually want love, so he doesn't mind giving it to me. I'm the only one he will let touch him.

I don't mind the sexual attention. Life gets stressful and it's always nice to screw your boyfriend when you both need to let off steam, or when you're having a good day.


"Okay, we have to go now Five." I tell him laughing, trying to leave the bed but he is clinging to me. Not hard just enough to pull me back a bit.

"Just five more minutes." He drags out. I roll my eyes playfully. He let's go laying his head on my pillow sighing.

I started changing into some comfortable clothes. I usually go with loose shorts if it's a casual day, so that's just what I did.

"No, get some pants on. We have to bring Diego his car today, remember? His girlfriend arrested him again." I explain to him putting on a thick tank top without a bra. More comfortable anyway.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now