♡◇Hurt Me◇♡ (Aidan)

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All day I've been really...hormonal.

Let's just say that.

Me and Aidan were spending the day together. Just the two of us.

Of course, Aidan has been busy keeping up with his social media and his platform.

I don't usually mind but today, I just wanted him so badly.

I wanted him to hurt me.

Hurt me good.

"Aidan?" I ask him while he's on a livestream.

"Give me a sec, I'm about to end the stream." He says making me groan and fall backwards on his bed.

As soon as he ends his stream, he walks over to me hovering over me and he kisses me deeply.

"You're so needy today." He jokes around, as I wrap my legs around his torso.

"That's because, I want you really bad right now." I say rolling us over, so I'm on top.

"That so?" He asks me playing with the V-neck of my shirt.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I want you to hurt me." He looks at me suprized I have this random need for painful, steamy, rough sex.

"Hurt you, how?" He asks me smirking looking up at me through his thick curled lashes, making me clasp my hand around his throat.

I can feel him growing underneath me with every word, and in response, I grind into him making him moan quietly.

"Slam me on the bed~ Pound me~ I want you to make my pussy sore, and hot, all because of you~" I moan into his ear, watching him melt under my touch.

He flips us over so he's on top making me let go of his throat, and he reverses, with his hand clasped around mine.

"You're so hot when you're on top," He starts kissing down my body lifting my shirt to reveal skin making his way down, unclasping his hand from my throat.

He kisses back up making me moan and his hand caresses my face before grabbing my jaw.

"But I think we both know I'm the top here~" He whispers into my ear, coming back to my lips kissing me deeply.

Just as he starts ripping the middle of my shirt up...

His bedroom door opens.

"Sorry to bother you guys, I was doing your lau- Ahh!" His mother drops the laundry basket in her hands turning around while I quickly push Aidan off of me, covering my chest because my bra now was clear to see.

"AIDAN RIGHT NOW?!" His mother yells, with her hand over my eyes.

"We thought you guys were gone!" He says embarrassed fixing his clothes.

"Okay, uh...are you at least being safe?" She asks him making him face palm.

"MOM YES I AM" He emphasizes embarrassed.

"I'm just gonna go, don't stain the sheets please." His mom says before leaving the room taking her basket.

We take a second to process what just happened.

"Well, still wan-" He starts walking closer to me.

"Nope." I say making him laugh at what just happened.

"Aidan my tits are almost out." I say laughing, throwing one of his pillows at him.

"It's fine, she's not gonna say anything." He says lying next to me on his bed.

"Let's just watch a movie or something instead. Maybe later we can try again." I say with a smile.

"Okay, I'll look for a movie." He says, getting up to grab the remote on his dresser.

"Also, give me one of your shirts." I tell him taking off the one he just ripped.

"Why?" He asks me biting his nails while he skims through Netflix.

"Because you ripped mine smart one." I say throwing my ripped shirt at him.

He catches it laughing and stuffing it in his dresser, pulling out a bigger T-shirt, throwing it towards me.

I catch it and slide it over my head and shift my body to get comfortable while we watch some movies.

"So later I can take up that offer?" Aidan asks me plopping next to me kissing me deeply.

"Maybe. You have to work for it." I say  climbing into his lap so I can lay the back of my head on his chest.

We both sigh in contentment.

Well, cock-blocking sucks, but he's still a wholesome bastard.

Gotta love him for that.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now