♡☆Mount Everest☆♡ Pt.3. (Aidan)

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First off, I fell asleep last night after not resting really at all for a week straight so I apologize because I know I said I was gonna post yesterday.

I was exhausted, like so exhausted that I literally couldn't get myself to move once my head hit the pillow to relax.

I'm sorry y'all❤

This is going to be really triggering, especially towards the end.

The reason I am including this is because personally, I know that this occurs in real life.

Unplanned pregnancies have to be one of the scariest things to experience as a teen.

Sometimes the choice of keeping a child, and abortion are extremely overbearing.

I am personally pro-choice and I believe a woman should have the right to have an abortion especially in these situations, teen pregnancy, rape, etc.

Womens bodies shouldn't be compromised, they should not be looked down on for making the most difficult decision of their life.

I want you to be prepared for this and more. I won't say too much, I will give a warning.

Read with care I love you all❤

"Hello? What's up Y/n?" Aidan says happily through the phone.

"H-hey Aidan, I really need to talk to you. It's really important." I say, looking at Rue who just snorted a line of coke in front of me.

I give her a "really" look. She shrugs walking towards my closet.

"Yeah, okay can I come over early? Since we were planning on a movie night anyway." He asks concerned and emphatically.

"Yeah, I'm already here with Rue, she already knows what's going on." I explain to him changing into one of Rue's oversized shirts, it was the only thing my stomach made me feel comfortable wearing.

Even if it isn't visible right now, I know that I feel more raw and naked then I ever have in my life.

I've noticed some bloating and it just makes me more comfortable to stick with bigger comfortable clothes.

"Is everything okay?" He asks me, making Rue sigh.

"Yeah, just it's better to explain in person." I try to say calmly, I don't want him to freak out on the road and crash.

"Okay, I'll be over. You guys want something to eat?" Rue practically jumps.

"Yes!" She says, making me and him laugh, the pit in my stomach feeling slightly less corrosive and gut wrenching.

30 minutes later...

I hear the doorbell ring and I run out of my room immediately, and before my Dad could try and open the door, I make it there first.

As soon as the door opens, I see a happy Aidan with bags of food in his hands.

I hug him tightly, bags still in his hands. Rue comes from behind and takes them, while I stay in his embrace a little longer.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now