♡Phone Call♡ (Aidan)

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This song goes perfectly with this. The exact vibe. If you guys wanna repeat the song while you read, I recommend.

Also, picture taken from Instagram. Feel free to follow the person in the watermark.

Enjoy my loves❤


"Hey, Y/n. How was your day?" I ask my bestfriend happily.

We call everyday, if it's a bad day we fall asleep on a facetime, to feel closer to eachother during this pandemic.

She doesn't know that I'm in love with her.

Part of me wishes I had kissed her when I had the chance. I know that we are still close, and that nothing can change that.

"It was okay, I did some schoolwork and I'm just exhausted right now."

"Yeah, me too. I kinda just needed to hear your voice today." I tell her making a slight hint at flirting.

"Me too, Aidy. How's the music going?" She asks me, making the butterflies in my stomach flutter.

"It's going great, pretty soon I'll have a whole new album ready by the time this thing passes." I respond getting under my covers.

"I know it's gonna be amazing. I can't wait." She says with a small giggle at the end of her sentence.

Pretty soon, it got really late and both of us were just waiting for the other to fall asleep on call.

"You still awake?" She asks me tiredly.

"Me answering is a yes. So in that case, yes." I say laughing making me slightly less tired.

"Just checking." She responds humming a little bit.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I tell her trying to fight the tired eyes and raspy voice.

"Anything." She says tired but sweetly.

"Do you ever wonder what life could be like if everyone were to live to the fullest potential. Not caring what the whole world would say, or how everyone would react, just living in the now, and paving the way to the future?" I ask and she gets kinda quiet.

I thought she had fallen asleep on me, but then she answered.

"I feel like there is a multiverse that exists like that. I think about it everyday." She says, her soft voice making me want to faint because she is just so perfect.

I have to make a move.

"Maybe, just maybe, in the multiverse everyone find their soulmate, and possibly, we are soulmates." She giggles making me laugh a bit.

"Why wait for the multiverse to decide? We can try in this reality." She says shyly over the phone.

"I'd like that. So we're dating?" I ask her kinda nervously.

"We're dating. Get some rest Gallagher. I'll call you again the same time tommorow." She says sweetly.

"Okay, goodnight, sleep well." I say before she hangs up.

How did I get the confidence to do that?

The next day at the same time we call again.

"Hello, newly boyfriend." She says over the phone.

I climb under my covers comfortably groaning at the relaxing energy washing over me.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now