◇♡What Would He Say?♡◇ (Nicky)

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I'm coming for your kneecaps.

This book has been growing so quickly, and I'm gonna cry tears of joy

I am beyond thankful for you all. I love you guys.

Also, anyone who has alot on their plate feel free to DM me. I am always here to listen.

Anyways, enjoy loves❤

Recently, me and my now ex boyfriend Dicky, have parted ways and I have been in a funk ever since.

The last thing I wanted was for him to know how shitty I actually feel.

I've tried getting over him, and so far it's not the getting over him I am so worried about.

It's Nicky, his brother.

It seems selfish, but that is exactly the reason we broke up.

He was so defensive when Nicky came around, and they live in the same household.

It only made him want to the control the relationship instead of letting it flow.

So, we broke up, and Dawn invited me over for a girls day.

So, I decided why not?

I knocked on the front door of the Harper's house and the first person to open the door is...

"Y/n? I didn't know you were coming. Are you here for Dicky?"


"I'm actually here to see Dawn." I say as he let's me in.

My heart wanted to react when he opened the door, but I couldn't.

I almost felt numb.

Even to his caring smile.

Dawn walks into the living room, through the kitchen.

"Hey, Y/n." She says, walking over to me, pulling me into her embrace.

"Is Dicky here?" I ask her, and she shakes her head.

"Okay, we're both gonna spend the night together, so keep your distance Harper." Dawn says, to Nicky making his eyes roll back.

I sigh in relief, and she guides me upstairs to her room.

I plop down on her bed, and bury myself under her covers.

"It's too early to be sleeping. Come on, we are not wallowing today, we are going to get over...whatever you saw in my brother." She shivers disgusted.

"Maybe, I like wallowing." I groan out, sliding off of her bed and lightly onto the floor.

"Not today, you don't." She says pulling me, dragging me by my arms across her carpet. She stops once we are beside her TV.

"Okay, I'm gonna make us some popcorn. I have a bunch of snacks so we can get all sugared up, and watch scary movies." She says to me excitedly.

I gather myself and decide that I'm gonna have fun today.

I'm not gonna let a boy control how I should feel happy.

He's still doing it, and we're not even together.

"Okay, what movies do you wanna watch?" I ask her trying to lift my own spirit, by sitting up finally.

We both decided to do a "Halloween" movie marathon.

I was gonna stay here while she made the popcorn downstairs, but I had to take a minute to collect myself, so I decided to try and wipe my face in the bathroom.

I hate breakups, it just feels like you can never stop crying.

All of a sudden I hear a knock on the door. I wipe my face and open the door thinking its Dawn, but it was Nicky.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were Dawn, I'm just gonna go-" He says, nervously.

I'm gonna regret this.

"It's okay, come in." I tell him, walking over, sitting on top of the bathroom counter.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me, making me scoff at myself.

"Well, I'm doing a little better now." He gives me that look of "you sure?"

I laugh, ignoring the tears that wanna come out of my eyes right now.

"I'm just going through the motions." I explain crossing my arms, tilting my head.

"I didn't mean to get in the way of you two. I didn't know he didn't want me around that badly." Nicky says, closing the door behind him.

"It wasn't your fault, we just didn't click as much as we thought we did." I say staring at the blank wall.

Nicky walks over with his arms out, knowing too well.

I wrap my arms around his torso, burying my head in his chest, and he rubs my back while some of my tears stain his shirt.

"It's okay, I'm here." He says, calming me. His hand caressing my head, while he runs his fingers through my hair.

I start straightening up and we meet eyes, in this moment his hand grazes my cheek, wiping the tears from my face.

His eyes study my face, and his face relaxes, no longer worried and scrunched up, it was loving and caring.

"Nicky, I have to tell you something..." I tell him softly, making him almost melt.

"Anything." He says, his hand still holding my cheek.

"I think, I'm in love with you." I say, making him smile.

"I've always been in love with you." He says, breathlessly, and we both lean in kissing softly, melting in the feeling of his soft lips on mine.

My hands move through his hair and his travel up and down my hips.

The kiss intensifies when I pull on his hair making him groan lightly.

Oh my God.


I push him away from me quickly, and his back lightly hits the wall.

"What's wrong?" He asks me, out of breath and confused.

"Nicky, I can't do this." I say, hopping off of the counter and opening the door to leave.

"Y/n, wait!" I hear him call after me, but I was already coming down the stairs at this point.

I see Dawn walking over with a bowl of popcorn in her hands.

"Y/n? What's wrong?!" She says, worried, seeing that I'm trying to catch my breath.

"I messed up." I finally respond. She looks at me confused.

"On a scale of one to ten?" She asks me.

"I just kissed your brother." I spout out.

Nicky finally makes it to the bottom of the staircase.

"You what?!" She says, dropping the bowl in her hands, in shock. Popcorn scattering across the floor.

"You kissed my brother?!" Dicky says behind us, none of us heard the front door open.

Me and Nicky look at eachother in shock.

"Shit." We both say at the same time.

Part 2? heheh😌💫

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now