♡Relax♡ (Aidan)

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In a world, where Corona never existed.

Also, why does he look like a young Johnny Depp in this picture😌💫^^


I opened the front door with our house key and started setting my bags on the counter to come back to it later.

My favorite thing to do after a long day of shooting is come home to my girlfriend. Working on the third season of The Umbrella Academy, has been really keeping me busy.

She is usually in the small studio we have recording.

She's been working really hard on her new album. I admire how much she cares about it and her and our fans support her nonstop.

She does tend to take her work to the extreme though.

"Hey babe! I'm home!" I call out to my girlfriend, Y/n. I turn on all the lights that weren't on. It was really dark in there.

"Hey, baby." I say walking into our bedroom. I walked over to her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

My mood changed as soon as I saw her face.

She was working at her computer and she looked a mess. She looked sick.

"Hey, babe." She says, not looking up at me, she looks exhausted and pale.

"Have you left your computer at all today?" I ask her concerned. I place my hand to feel her forehead and she has a fever.

Her eyes look tired and restless.

"To use the bathroom, and I showered this morning. I just need to finish this track." I kneel down to her seeing that she wasn't planning on leaving that computer any time soon.

"Yeah, nope, come on. Up you go." I say pulling her up away from her chair. She resists not wanting to get up.

I lift her up over my shoulder.

"Wait, but I'm almost done!" She says trying to reach her computer. She stopped resisting since she was too burnt out to really do anything.

"You need rest, and I know for a fact you haven't eaten all day, or drank any water. Stay here." I tell her placing her on the bed. She sits up while I grab her a water bottle from the kitchen.

"Aidan, I'm fine, really. I can go a little longer." She says, trying to get me to let her work again.

I give her a "yeah, right" look.

"That can wait. You're burnt out, you have a fever and you're dehydrated. You need rest. This is coming from someone who is known to burn themselves out. So, you know it's bad." I tell her coming back with a glass of water.

She sighs rubbing her face and eyes since she clearly has been staring at a screen for hours.

"Here, babe." I say putting the glass to her dry lips.

She drinks the entire glass and I had a feeling she would, it's already nine o'clock at night.

"I'm gonna cook us some late night dinner okay?" I say kissing her forehead. She nods and I wrap a blanket around her guiding her to our livingroom couch.

"How was work babe?" She asks me as I start cooking her favorite dish.

"It was good, perfect scenes, all day. Season Three is gonna be amazing." I tell her as she relaxes on the couch.

She took a nap on the couch, while I finished up cooking.

I brought both of our plates to the coffee table in front of her. I start slowly shaking her awake.

"Y/n, it's time to eat. I made you (favorite dish)" I whisper to her as she starts waking up.

"Aww, thank you, Aidan." She says hugging me with her comforting grip.

I kiss her softly and sit down next to her, grabbing the remote so we could watch a movie together.

She starts eating her food and she looks like she is starting to regain the color in her face.

"You gotta make sure you're taking care of yourself baby. I don't want you to get sick." I tell her kissing her forehead.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just get so caught up-"

"You don't need to apologize. I understand. Sometimes we just need rest is all." I explain to her eating from my plate.

"I love you so much." She says smiling happily.

"I love you more." I whisper to her. I kiss her lips softly and she buries her head into my chest. I wrap my arm around her with my plate in my lap.

After we ate, we put our plates on the coffee table and cuddled finishing up the movie.

Me lying on my back with my arms around her. Her lying on chest sleeping peacefully with a blanket around us.

I love her so much.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now