2K 30 24

What the diggery fuck.

I was about to start editing taken part 6 and I saw the amount of reads this book had, and holy fucking shit.

Thank you so much for 40k reads on this book, and this has been my record setting book for the fastest growing imagine book I have ever put out.

Oh my God.

I am beyond thankful that I don't even have words for how thankful I am.

I think I put this book out in August, or September of this year I'm not 100% on that but holy shit I am so happy that I could cry.

You all have made such a difference in my life, supporting me the whole way, showing me love when I wasn't feeling the love for myself.

I mean, this has been a journey and I am so excited for the future of this book.

You all have made an impact on my life, as cheesy as it sounds.

Every one of you that have clicked, read, voted, commented on my book have made an impact and have encouraged me to continue doing what I love writing.

For all of you who have requested a chapter, and I haven't written them yet, I apologize. Most are in my drafts, but definitely remind me in the comments so that I can get those out as soon as possible.

I had a literal list of ALL OF THE REQUESTS I HAD and then misplaced the paper I wrote on, so actually feel free to dm me, or comment here about your chapter if you have requested and I just haven't got to it yet.

Since this book has grown so much, it's been crazy trying to keep up with requests.

So I'm sorry if it's taken me the longest time.

I literally have Halloween updates in my drafts y'all.

So, on that note let me know, and know that I genuinely love and appreciate every single one of you, even if you have never spoken to me, and all you do is scroll through, you matter and I love you for being apart of this with me❤❤

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now