♡Recording♡ (Aidan)

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Aidan's been working on his music alot lately.

I don't usually mind, but today was kinda rough at the studio, so I just really needed some hugs from my boyfriend.

I usually hang out with him during all of the process, hearing him sing and play. It's calming and music has always brought us closer.

That was actually how we met. We were both performing the same night.

~~~The Day We Met~~~~

"Give it up for Y/n!" Fans screamed in the crowd as I walked on stage with a smile on my face.

I waved to the crowd blowing kisses. My electric guitar hanging around my neck resting on my stomach/side.

"Hello New York!" I say excited into the microphone while the crowd screamed and shouted love. Their excited energy immediately made me less nervous.

Performing is one of my favorite things to do, especially live.

I started shredding on the guitar and sang some of my songs from my recently released album.

After the amazing show, I ended up running into Aidan almost breaking his guitar.

I was in a rush to meet my friend outside and I didn't even notice him walking past me.

"I'm so sorry!" I say rushing to help him up. He stands up slightly groaning from falling so hard.

"I can pay for the damages on your guitar. I-" He looks up at my eyes and immediately it hit us.

"It's okay, my guitar isn't damaged." He laughs stretching out to help with the pain. His whole focus changed, it was soft and very clearly a sign, he felt it too.

Nice going Y/n, full on tackled this hot guy.

"How about you? You took a pretty hard fall." I ask him staring into his green eyes, and his long naturally curled lashes.

He nods and starts going on and I completely drowned out what he was saying by how taken aback I was by him being so perfect.

"Hey, you there?" He asks me laughing kinda waving his hand in my face to get my attention.

"Yeah, sorry, what did you say?" I ask him, my cheeks starting to blush out of embarrassment.

"I said, I'm Aidan, and I was hoping I could maybe learn your name over a date?" He asks me. I blush flattered.

"I'm in. I'm Y/n." I shake his hand softly feeling both of our soft hands together. Cliche, but in that moment, I knew he was the one for me.

"I know. Amazing performance by the way." He says, studying my face.

I was laying on Aidan's bed and scrolling through my Instagram feed.

He was playing his guitar, practicing background riffs he was thinking of putting in.

We both love looking at fan edits of me and him together.

I was doing that, while him and his friend seth worked on his new single.

He was helping him record works on some of the tracks.

"Any luck fixing the track?" Aidan asks him stopping his guitar playing.

"Some, we just need a couple more tweaks here and there. You can chill out for a bit. It won't be long. I'll be right back. I'm gonna see how this sounds in my car." He nods turning back to his computer he quickly gets out of his chair and leaves out the door.

Aidan walks over to me who is laying on his bed setting his guitar down next to the bed.

The same guitar from when we first met.

I hold out my arms, excited that finally I can spend a little time with him.

He plops down on the bed and pulls me into his embrace, kissing my head as soon as my head was buried in his chest.

"I needed this." Aidan tells me sighing in contentment.

"Oh you have no idea." I drag out smelling his cologne and scent. It was my happy place.

"You seem tense, how was the studio?" He asks me concermed, moving strands of hair from my forehead.

"Well, we started recording. Then once we tried to tweak it, it completely ruined the track we have been working on the past couple of days." I groan into his chest. He caresses my head, running his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry, babe. I can't even imagine. That has to be really hard." He tells me making me happy that he cares so much.

"Yeah, but I know we can probably try again. It's okay, now that I get to hold you. I just missed you." I say knowing its cheesy. I can't help it. I love him so much.

"I missed you too. Sorry, I know I took a while recording. Pretty soon I'll have a track that I can show you in the final cut." I lift my head so I can meet his eyes.

"It's gonna be amazing. You've worked so hard on it. I'm proud of you." I tell him looking at his lips back up to his eyes.

"You know I love you like hell right?" He says, smiling with teeth, his dimple making an appearance.

God, I love that goddamn smile. The smile is just the icing on the cake.

I run my hand over his face, cupping his cheek.

"Oh, yeah of course." I respond playfully. We both laugh and he leans in to kiss me softly, our lips moving at a slow steady pace.

It immediately stripped me away of my worries. The power this man has. I pull away softly and he narrows his eyes comfortably.

"I love you too." I say running my hands through his long messy hair.

"IT'S FINISHED!" Seth comes running in saying. He sets his computer down and starts playing his song 4th of July.

"Wait, really?!" Aidan sits up excitedly.

"Oh my God Aidan that's amazing!" I tell him just as happy wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms wrap around my torso tightly.

He loosens his grip so that we're looking at eachother.

His hands cup my face and his thumbs caress my cheeks making me feel warm inside.

"I love you." He tells me kissing me passionately with a smile on his face as soon as he pulls away.

He lays back pulling me back into his embrace in contentment.

"Finally." He sighs out happily kissing my forehead.

Okay, but like this was 🌌cute🌌 asf😌

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now