◇♡Taken♡◇ Pt.2 (Nicky)

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"So, this is why you stopped paying attention to me? You were screwing Nicky?!" He says angrily.

"You have been avoiding me this entire time, don't even try to turn this around on me! You are the asshole here!" I tell him pushing his shoulder.

He backhands me, pretty hard, making me bust my ass on the cement.

"Piece of shit!" Nicky jumps in, pushing him hard away from me.

Dawn hurries to me, pulling me out of the way, and I noticed that my leg and elbow were bleeding from busting my ass on the pavement just now.

She put her hand on my face, and I feel a small sting.

My ex punches Nicky in the face making his nose bleed, and immediately Nicky punches him back, making him spit out blood.

"Beat his ass Nicky!" Dawn says, watching the two throw punches and immediately Nicky drags him to the ground, not giving him a chance to hit back.

He eventually pushes Nicky off making him hit his head, but luckily, he wasn't bleeding, just dizzy.

"Come on Nicky!" All of the quads and Mae cheer him on.

Nicky gets up and he punches him in the stomach, making him drop to his knees, and he slams his head down onto his knee, blood now staining his teal colored pants.

They both drag eachother into the fence, if immediately breaking on impact.

"Nicky!" I yell out, worried on whether he's okay or not.

Before Nicky could get up, my ex grabbed one of the slabs of wood, attempting to fight dirty, and before he could try and hit Nicky on the ground, trying to get back up, I ran over kicking the back of his knees folding him, and right hooking him in the face, making him drop immediately.

I grab my knuckle in pain, and I think I may have sprained something on his stupid face...

Nicky's side was now bleeding through his shirt.

"Shit." He groans in pain looking down at it.

He pulls out a long nail, that was dug into his side.

We all wince in pain at the sight.

Dawn pulls me back before my ex could try and hit me again.

Nicky finally gets up kicking him in the stomach, harder this time, making him throw up on the lawn.

We all gag at the sight.

"CHRIST!" Dicky and Ricky say at the same time.

Nicky grabs his arm, pushing it behind his back, moving it to where it was painful.

"Get the hell out of here before I do something I'll regret, and if you ever lay a hand on her again, I'll kill you. That understood?" Nicky says next to his ear.

I don't blame Nicky for being this intense, the slab of wood had a nail on it.

He nods through a busted face, bleeding mouth, and possible broken arm.

Nicky let's go of him, and we watch him limp leaving the property.

"Oh my God! Nicky are you okay?!" I say limping over to him holding his face.

His lip was lightly busted, blood was slowly dripping down his nose, his colorful shirt, now lightly painted in drops of his own blood from his nose, and a small cut in his right arch. His eyebrow.

𝑨𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏/𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now