Hey Loves

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Hey y'all, I've been going through some things and I just want y'all to know I will try my best to post updates.

Shit has been really hard emotionally, and I'm just trying to find myself again.

The chapter I was planning on writing, triggered me, and I realized It did so much that it effected me more than I thought could.

Bringing back repressed trauma.

Not only from childhood, but in relationships.

The chapter I've been working on, Back to Black started out with flashbacks of her, and those moments of domestic abuse, and I genuinely have been effected reliving that through the characters memories.

So when that chapter comes out, which it will because I have spent weeks trying to write it, I need you to know that I'm not too okay with domestic violence chapters, nothing forced, and honestly some chapter that are requests, are starting to make me realize maybe I shouldn't write them after all.

Because, I have deep rooted trauma that I am working through, along with having multiple suicide attempts, and a history of cutting. Life hasn't treated me well, and people who were supposed to be here for me, and care for me have let me down in many ways, but it doesn't define me.

My goal is to spread love and light despite anything I have experienced in my childhood, because no one deserves to go through it.

The knowledge of what that feels like to be hurt by the ones you care about, whether it be your parents, lover, anyone, is indescribable and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


I don't mind angst at all, but I just wanna let you know with really heavy angst when I write it, it takes a while because I have to sort through some shit of my own in the process.

It's a healing experience with every chapter, and you all get to see me grow, and I get to keep in touch with all of you.

I apologize for the absence, and the last thing I want to do is show you guys that I am going through stuff, but we are human, and since we all are like family, I prefer to not hide this from you.

So, on that note, really heavy chapters might be a little while, and I might be taking a angst break.

Not for long, but until I can get to a point where I am comfortable writing it again.

I love you all, thank you all for being so patient with me. You all deserve the world❤💫

Thank you all for 19k it has been an amazing ride, and I can't wait to continue with this story, I have many ideas I've been working with.

Much love❤❤💫🧚‍♀️

Also, I'd hate to be overly cheesy and be like you guys have changed my life, but in reality if I said that isn't that case, I would be lying.

This has been an eye opener for me, and you all have helped me through the hard times, even the ones who all you have done is skim through, seeing this book grow so quickly has helped me appreciate so much, and help me realize that my love of writing has got me so far, and I am proud to say that I wouldn't change it for the world.

I respect and care for all of you babes ❤💫

Alright, enough with the cheesy shit.


Sorry to those who missed the face reveal, I really apologize that some of you couldn't see, but I did get a haircut, and I have curly bangs, with curly layered hair.

I was really only comfortable with an hour of it being up, so I am sorry.

I prefer to remain Anonymous, and I hope that you all understand.

I'm 17, just to clear that up, I am not a middle aged woman writing Smut about a 17 year old.

That would be wrong in so many different ways.

So, no worries about that.

On that note,

You have a purpose, and you matter to me🧚‍♀️

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