♕1: The Curse♕

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The smell of blood and fire wafted from the village that I just destroyed. I looked down and saw women, children, and life stocks slaughtered by my transformation.

What have I done? I thought to myself. All that was left of my village were debris of houses and an enormous crater. I slowly pulled myself out of the nape of my titan body that made steam. For one last time, I looked down on the destruction and massacre that I've done.

Marley would look for me.

I went down and looked at my titan body for the first time as it lets off steam. My titan body had ram horns of each side of its temples, hair reaching down the waist, and some muscles were exposed on the cheeks, collar, and abdomen. The backbone was the eye-catcher of this beast, as it is slightly uncovered.

The streets of the village were no longer recognizable, but I found my way to my house

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The streets of the village were no longer recognizable, but I found my way to my house. My house was burning, and I saw my mother leaning on a tree. Her head was covered with blood, and her stomach was pierced. I frowned at the sight of her as I went near her. She coughed out blood and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Child, you shouldn't have done that." My mom said. I knelt down in front of her.

"I know. I'm sorry." I said as my eyes got blurry. I bowed my head to hide my face from her. "Because of what I've done, the curse of the Spine that saved Ymir must end with me."

"Our ancestors lived long lives because of that Spine. They concealed it from the world so they could live a normal life, free from becoming weapons. You are the only one who summoned it." She said as she slowly placed her right hand on my head.

I sobbed as my mother pulled me by my collar and bumped her forehead on mine.

"(Y/n) listen to me carefully. I will only say this once." I gulped at her statement. "Uhmm"

"You shall be cursed to be a restless wanderer all the days of your life, for summoning the 10th titan shifter that our ancestors worked hard to conceal from mankind. You shall only find tranquility on the island of devils... now leave!" My mother uttered with the last of her breath and strength she pushed me away hard.

I stared at my mother's corpse one last time and left the village. It is going to be tough for a four-year-old child to be a restless wanderer. It's all my fault. This wouldn't have happened if the village folks didn't kick and spit on me every day. I never told my mother what I was going through whenever I go to around the village. Somehow, they knew of my ancestors and what a monster I could become. They set me off the moment somebody stomped on my back. The rest is history.

Stupid Spine. This curse must end with me. I fisted on my chest. I made a promise to myself that I shall never have descendants, so everything ends with me. If only this Spine never saved Ymir.

After a few restless nights of wandering in the forest, my body already ached. I was hungry and weak. I need food. I can't transform into a titan just to surpass the feeling of hunger and weakness. My body slumped face forward on the grass as my vision becomes blurry. Maybe this is how I die? I sighed heavily as my stomach grumbled loudly.

No! Don't die yet! You haven't atoned for your sins of mass homicide! Death is too good for you! Just a little rest might help me.


I opened my eyes and looked towards the direction of the sound. An apple was on the ground by my side. Would you look at that? I am cursed to be a restless wanderer.

I feasted on the apple that fell and climbed up to its tree to eat more. After eating enough, I laid myself on the toughest branch of the tree. The sky was golden as I watched the sun sets on the west. Restless was I cursed and restless shall I be.

The night falls, and the moonlit up the forest. The wind brushed my (h/l) hair to the side as I hugged myself for warmth.


I suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the north. I went down from the tree and looked around. The rustling sound suddenly became heavy footsteps coming in my direction.

Shoot! Marleyan Soldiers! They're after me!

Fear and adrenaline rush overtook my body as I ran barefoot to the south.

"Don't let the girl escape! Be cautious!" I heard the commander's shout to his soldiers. I kept on running without looking back until I ended up on a cliff by a river. The footsteps were near and, I have only two choices. Fight or jump?

"She's on the edge of the cliff! Get her!" the commander screamed as they are coming close to my location. I kept looking on the river and back on the forest.

If I shift into a titan and fight, I might get captured.

If I jump on the river, I might get badly injured but be able to escape.

What's it gonna be?

The soldiers now appeared from the bushes of the forest as they kept their distance from me. Guns were pointed at me as I was slowly trembling backward. My left foot suddenly stepped on the soft edge of the cliff, causing some rocks to fall, which made me halt.

"Don't move!" The commander shouted.

"Stay back!" I screamed as I raised my right hand to signal them to stop. I side looked at the river and back at the troop.

"Calm down. We are here to help you!" They tried to persuade me.

I won't be swayed by their words! They're just going to use me as a weapon.

Within a split second, I jumped on the edge of the cliff and landed on the river. The strong current pushed me as I try my best to keep my head up. This is not how I want to die.

"Follow the current and capture the girl!" One of the soldiers shouted. I coughed out some water as I try to get a hold of something. I repeatedly try to grab onto something that would stop me from going all the way.

My luck worked as I got a hold of a big rock. I have to stop here and make a run for it. Otherwise, if I let myself go on to the end river, they'd be waiting for me there. I pulled myself up on the enormous rock and carefully crossed to the other side.

I kept running and running and running until my legs fainted. I ended up on a meadow. Without the slightest idea of where I am and how far I've gone, I broke down on my knees as I kept breathing heavily.

"Mother! This is too much than I could bear!" I screamed to the night sky. I fell down and wailed.

This will go on until I die!


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Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now