♕19: The 57th Expedition♕

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You watched as cadets start walking out of the stadium after Erwin's speech for the Scout Regiment. What was I expecting? A miracle that at least 80% of the cadets you trained would stay? After the whole Titan invasion? You heaved a heavy sigh as you look at the fifteen to twenty people who were willing to put their lives on the line for the Scout Regiment.

In the following weeks, you occupied yourself with keeping your desk clean and meeting Erwin for the long-range formation. In other words, you didn't want to see the cadets who joined. It was straightforwardly a way for you to not get attached to them, knowing that some of them will die. The terrified scream of Marco kept you locked away in your office and haunted you at night. He was a ray of sunshine of optimism, and you were always touched by his kindness. Some may even say that Marco is your favorite student. You were in your office finishing up the last of your evaluation when somebody knocked on your door.

"Name and business." You said, still focused on your work.

"Cadet Reiner and Bertolt." The last person I ever wanted to see.

"Come in." You answered and closed the folder. They locked the door as you sat upright and crossed your arms in front of your chest.

"If you're here to ask permission and say your plan about attacking the 57th Expedition. Please, don't even bother." You flatly said, making sure it doesn't get heard outside your office, as you rubbed your temples with your right hand in frustration. They remained silent as they were surprised that you didn't care.

"At this point, I don't care anymore about how you plan on taking Eren because death is inevitable. I'll still uphold our deal, so you don't have to worry about silencing me." You said as you stood up and walked out of your office. You went to Erwin's office to pass the evaluation.

"You looked stress," Erwin said as he took a sip of tea. You flopped on the couch in his office and just groaned.

"Should I call Levi or Eren to spend time with you so you'll be energized?" Erwin teased while looking at his baby girl.

"You're not helping, old man!" You said as you muffled your face with the small pillow.

"The 57th Expedition will take place in three days. I don't want you to die because you're exhausted or something." Erwin said as he went to sit on the couch with you. He patted your head with your right hand while you kept your face buried on the pillow. Eleven years of having you as his orphan, Erwin exactly knew what comforted you whenever you felt anxious or stressed. You relaxed yourself a bit as he brushed your tangled hair with his fingers.

"Stay alive after this expedition, old man." You said as you sat up and hugged him.

The day of the expedition came, and you finally had your own squad

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The day of the expedition came, and you finally had your own squad. You were placed on the right-wing of the formation, one of the most dangerous parts because of its frequent encounters with pure titans. Horses were valiantly galloping at a fast pace as you and your squad take formation. You knew where Eren was located, but you suggested to Erwin that it would be best to confuse some of the scouts to where our titan-shifting boy is. It would be too easy and unexciting if the three warriors knew what the plan was.

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