╳ 53: Small Hours╳

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Third Person P.O.V.

(Y/n) and Zeke had been married for a few months. You have moved out of the Tybur household and lived with Zeke in Liberio as an honorary Marleyan. The both of you were the ideal young married couple, always tending one another.

You always relished being his wife and always ravished him with your love whenever he's about to leave for another war. Each time he's away, Gabi and Falco, who are still under training for being a candidate warrior, kept you company every afternoon. Today, you were strolling around on the outskirts of Liberio outside the internment zone with the two children following behind you. Thanks to your connections, you are able to walk out freely of the birdcage given by Marleyans. 

Without a clear goal on what you were looking for, the three of you ended up in front of an old teashop. A Marleyan woman in her eighties was sweeping outside. Gabi and Falco hid behind you, afraid that the old woman would go berserk at the sight of Eldians in front of her shop. The exterior looks old, windows were a bit bent.

"How may I help you?" The old woman asked with a scowl on her face. "I—we just came to see the place and hopefully get a drink?" You cordially answered as the two children tugged on your long skirt.

"Hmph! This shop barely gets a customer. I might as well accept you spawns of a devil!" You sighed in relief as she gestured you to come in. Dust and creaky wooden floors welcomed you inside, making you sneeze.

"Mrs. Yeager, what are we doing here?" Falco whispered as you took a sit. "I'm planning on buying this place for no reason."

"Eh?! Out of nowhere?" Gabi exclaimed as she smacked the table.

"For future purposes." You gave them a reassuring smile as you placed your left elbow on the table with your chin resting on your palm. Pans clanking and water spilling suddenly echoed from the kitchen, startling the three of you and eventually making you check what was happening.

"Ughh!" The old woman groaned as you saw her, sitting on the tiled floor. Kettle and dry tea leaves scattered around the floor. You swiftly came to assist her and helped her sit on the nearest chair. By the time she sat down, she shoved away your hands away and gave a bitter look.

"Are you okay, grandma?" You asked despite her rude behavior, knowing that most old people are like that.

The old woman was full of wrinkles, and her angry eyes suddenly became tired. She heaved a sigh as she looked down on her calloused and rumpled hands.

"What the hell am I doing? Running a teashop at my age when I'm already on the brink of my death. Serving Eldians."

"Is there anyone of your relatives that we could call to assist you?" You knelt down so she could look at you.

"I have no one. I would basically die on my own, and this teashop was the only memory that my husband and I had." Tears blurred her vision, making you take out your clean handkerchief for her to use, which she reluctantly took. She sniffled a bit as she wiped away her tears from her eyes.

"You and your husband must have had many fond memories here."

"Indeed, we have. This teashop was the one that made us happy despite not having any children." Your lips parted for a bit to say something but chose to let the old woman speak her heart out. It is as if you came at the right time for this place.

"My husband was a good man. He always fed Eldian children that he would find loitering around the streets because he knew that they are just as equal humans as we are. Now that I feel that death is knocking on my door. Who will keep this place going?"

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now