╳ 56: Cut Deep╳

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Warning: Lemon Ahead

*Time skip*

It all went by so quickly. The plan for Eldia was slowly unraveling as Zeke kept going out on meetings, leaving you behind because like he said, you have done enough. It made you lonely at times, but you keep reminding yourself that your clock is ticking. You've returned Damian to Willy a month after the fiasco with Levi. Meetings with the Anti-Marleyan Unit were necessary for you to be present, but Zeke always wanted you to just sit still and let him do all the work.

Gabi and Falco no longer kept you company every afternoon because they were deployed on the battlefield. Often times when you walk around the streets out of the internment zone, you could feel eyes watching you. You knew too well Paradis has already infiltrated Marley, and they have constantly been moving for the past two years.

After the last time you encountered Levi, the two of you met a few months after on the outskirts of Liberio, but that is a story meant to be told another time. Let's just say that meeting was something you want to keep it hidden in the deepest part of your memories and your heart. It had stirred a heated argument between you and Zeke, and today was another one of those days.

"Where have you been?" You coldly asked as you raised your left eyebrow with your arms crossed on your chest, glaring at Zeke, who just came home late from another "Meeting" with the Anti-Marleyan Unit. Good god! It's almost dawn!

"Don't start with me. I'm fucking tired." He harshly brushed his left shoulder on your right and walked past you towards the bedroom. Did he just ignore me?!

"Zeke, this is the fifth time this week! And you're off to war in two days!" As much as you hated to shout at him, you just did to knock some sense into him. You wanted to help him and not sit still and let himself get exhausted. You desperately wanted him around now that he has only one year left.

"So what?! I'm doing this for the both of us! If you're that impatient, why don't you just go off the outskirts of town to meet your past lover!"

"How could you assume that I'm cheating on you?! I am your wife!" Tears were starting to blur your vision as it broke your heart to hear Zeke conclude such a repulsive thought. Needless to say, he guessed it right, but you were prideful enough not to admit.

"Well, that doesn't sound so convincing when you came home late last week without even telling me about your whereabouts." He furrowed his eyebrows as he returned a glare to you. That wasn't the case.

"At least it was once, and I can assure you I wasn't with anyone. Unlike you, should I speculate that your dick is itching for different pus-" A stinging sensation on your left cheek made you stop talking. What did he just do? Did he just slap me? He was shocked at what he did and tried to step forward to touch you, but you raised your right hand, gesturing him to stay where he is.

Zeke could see the tears he has caused as he tried to comprehend what he just did. He just inflicted physical pain to his wife, which he promised he will never do in a million years. You deeply inhaled as you stepped away from him. I need a fucking break...You walked out of the apartment, slamming the door loudly as you left, leaving Zeke alone and startled.

You immediately ran up to the rooftop and sat down on the floor while hugging yourself. Out of all the times, it had to be when his time was running out. Tears streamed down your face as you cried silently. Zeke ruffled his hair in frustration and regret, being impulsive. He never meant to hurt you. Perhaps now he realized that you just wanted to be there for him.

The sun never shined its light as the sound of raindrops echoed through the window. One thing he knew too well about you was that you hated getting soaked by rain without warning. He took an umbrella and went outside to look for you. He ran to the market, to his grandparents, to anyone in Liberio that you were close with, but he couldn't seem to find you. He doesn't want their argument to be prolonged.

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now